Gratitude Is Our Goal

Good Shepherd Sunday 2015
This is the day we are called to a more perfect life.  Our Lord shows Himself to be the Good Shepherd Who truly loves His sheep.  Not only does He care for and nourish His flock, but He protects us from attacks, even to the point of giving His life for us.  The clergy are meant to be leaders and examples for the faithful, and it is the job of all the faithful to bring more people into the Church.  How many countless sacrifices have the missionaries made throughout the centuries to win conversions?  We must thank God every day for the gifts we have been given.

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The Father of Vocations

Feast of Saint Joseph 2015
When a person is given a vocation, he is always given the divine help necessary to reach his final goal of Heaven.  Even the people who miss their divine calling are given sufficient grace to save their souls.  Many people, especially in our days, lack confidence in God and are too afraid to fulfill their great calling in life.  St. Joseph was called to be the spouse of the Mother of God and the earthly representative of God the Father.  This was a vocation which was truly beyond human ability to fulfill.  The only doubts St. Joseph entertained were doubts about his own judgment.  He recognized his poverty in every way, but was filled with confidence in God.  Like the priest, St. Joseph had custody over the Body of the Son of God and was willing to lay down his life to protect Him.  The patron of all our needs is St. Joseph.

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Humility Makes Us Happy

Sermon From The
24th Sunday after Pentecost 2013
A Catholic should never be sad, despite his troubles.  We see the example of the Little Flower, who died a painful death, at the age of twenty-four, yet she died laughing.  It is pride that makes us sad, and humility which makes us happy.  The Epistle tells us to forgive friends and enemies alike.  We forgive and ask for forgiveness.  Comparing our lives to those of our neighbor will impede our progress, while comparing them to the lives of the saints will make us saints.  Prayer, rather than argument, is the most effective way of converting our neighbor.

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St. Francis & St. Thérèse

Conference On
First Friday October 2013
St. Francis is greatly misunderstood in our day but was, in fact, a true son of the Church.  By his words and example, he made innumerable converts.  The Gospel for the Mass of his feast day emphasizes his charity.  He was an utterly selfless man.  The Little Flower, St. Thérèse, despite all the differences between her life and St. Francis’, shared many similarities to him in spirit.  She promised to spend her Heaven doing good on Earth.  Poverty of spirit makes one recognize his nothingness.  We must remember that sometimes God sends us suffering to open our eyes to the truth.

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Meekness And Humility

Conference From
1st Friday, September 2013
Catholics should know the true purpose of the daily missal.  It should be used primarily as a prayer book to help us elevate our hearts to God while we assist at Mass.

The hallmark of the Gospel can be summed up in the words, “Learn from Me, for I am meek and humble of heart.”  Pride is the greatest obstacle to union with God.  All vices are rooted in pride.  Sometimes God allows a person to fall, especially into sins of the flesh, to make him humble.  We must be on guard lest we use virtue as a means of feeding our pride – practicing virtue simply because it makes us feel good.  Pray that we love God for His own sake.

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He Craves Our Love

Sermon From
The Feast Of The Sacred Heart 2013
It is sad how feasts like this one have been neglected by priests in the past to the detriment of the devotion of the faithful.  Our Lord came to St. Margaret Mary, showed her His Heart and with other things said that even consecrated souls mistreated Him.  Pope Pius XII taught that no Catholic is free from practicing this devotion because it is so essential to the Christian life of sacrifice and of returning love by reparation to God.  The Heart of Our Savior beats ceaselessly with deep affection for each of us and for mankind as a whole.  We must reciprocate by imitating Christ’s life in our own as the saints have especially those with the stigmata.

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