
Running To Our Lord

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Feast of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus 2023
Investiture of Sister Rose Michael
When the priest gives the habit of Mount Carmel, it is Christ Himself giving the habit and all the graces attached to it.  God wishes that a person embrace religion willingly, without any external pressure.  In poverty we place all our trust in divine assistance.  In chastity we experience the true meaning of love, offering body and soul to our Divine Savior.  In holy obedience we follow God’s Will through our superiors.  God is calling us to live a life joined to the Passion.  We will be sanctified if we maintain great desires in our holy vocation.

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Born In The Desert

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9th Sunday After Pentecost 2023
God gives us virtues to help us cooperate in the salvation which He is accomplishing.  God gave a warning to Solomon that he would destroy Israel and make an example of it before all nations if it transgressed God’s law.  The Holy Machabees are a perfect example of divine fortitude and loyalty to God.  Even the Mother of the Machabees encouraged her sons in sacrificing themselves for God and resisting the temptations of evil men.  Let’s learn from our ancestors, as Saint Paul says, so that we may join them in Heaven.

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The Perfect Image Of Christ

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Feast of Saints Peter & Paul 2023
This day, although it celebrates both apostles, is centered on St. Peter as the first Vicar of Christ on Earth.  God began to form the character of St. Peter from the moment of his birth because the Church was to be built on this man.  The reason He chose St. Peter above all the other Apostles was because he loved Our Lord more than the rest.  The prayers of the faithful saved their first pope so we must pray as if the outcome of the current crisis depends on us.

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What Really Matters

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After brief account of St. Peter Chrysologus the Gospel about the salt of the earth was explained.  The epistle about St. Paul teaching his disciple, St. Timothy, about work as a bishop. Finally, understanding “to love is to give” and do we really care? By this we can evaluate how much we love and give.

Sermon #20151204
Liturgical day: First Friday – St. Peter Chrysologus
Length: 64 minutes

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The Master Of The Universe

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Feast of Christ the King 2015
All Saints Day celebrates the canonized saints as well as the unknown saints in Heaven.  We are all called to imitate their virtues in our lifelong pursuit of sanctity.  The process of progressive incorporation into Christ mirrors the development of our natural lives.  We show reverence to the images of the saints because of what they represent and because of the favors that are given to us through them.

Catholics do not believe in freedom of religion or religious indifference but rather religious toleration.  Pope Pius XI wrote the encyclical Quas Primas in which he denounced men’s refusal to recognize God’s rights over all nations.  He instituted this feast to assert the truth of Christ’s royal power.  Catholics know that they belong to their Divine King, Who is God and Master of all.

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Our Guides on the Way to Perfection

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Feast of St. Michael 2015
Since at least the fifth century, St. Michael the Archangel has been given widespread honor in the Church.  We have this feast to thank God for creating the angels, and to help us rejoice in their happiness and imitate their great love of God.  Although they were not redeemed as we were, the angels receive all their virtues from Our Lord, making each of them a reflection of His perfections.  We also honor the angels today because of the pivotal role they played in our Redemption.  When reciting the Gloria at the Mass we should remember we are reciting the prayer of the holy angels, and if we ask them to, they will join us in our prayers.

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The Thirteenth Apostle

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8th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
St. Mary Magdalene is one of the only saints given the title of “Penitent.”  After living a life of great impurity, she became one of the most dedicated disciples of Our Lord.  She is sometimes called “The Thirteenth Apostle” because of the great privileges she received in witnessing the death of Christ and announcing His Resurrection.  When she heard Our Lord call her name after He had risen, she fell at His feet and embraced Him, in a gesture which implied her unwillingness to lose Him again.  She was later arrested and sent off in a boat without oars, so that she and her companions might die at sea, but she was miraculously carried to the south of France where she lived in contemplation of God to the end of her days.

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Love Him In Return

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Feast of the Sacred Heart 2015
“To have Christ dwelling through faith in your heart” refers to the abiding presence of the Divine Person of Christ in our souls while in the state of grace.  When St. Paul speaks of knowing God’s love, he does not simply refer to an intellectual knowledge, but rather a direct, immediate experience of the love of God, just as the great saints experienced.  This feast of the Sacred Heart was requested directly by Our Lord, and no man is free to ignore this devotion.  The original sketch of the Sacred Heart shows a great wound inside of which is written the word “caritas” – “love”.  This devotion was reserved for a time when the world had grown cold in its love that it might gain favor through the revelation of Our Lord’s Sacred Heart.

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Mass Of Loyalty

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Sermon From The
19th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
This month is dedicated to the Holy Rosary and this sacramental is so powerful that just carrying it is important and beneficial.  The Rosary is a contemplative prayer which is adaptable to communal recitation that can be difficult for some, especially children.  The Introit tells us that God will save us and we must resist the devil.  The Gospel about the marriage feast parallels Christ’s life and stresses the importance of having grace in order to participate in the Sacred Banquet.  Loyalty is being faithful to God, His Church and the Faith.  It continues its influence into our families and friends.  Parents have the responsibility to teach this to their children so that they inculcate this virtue into all their relationships in life.

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The Battle Of Saint Pius X

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Conference Given On
1st Friday September 2014
Pope Saint Pius X only reigned for eleven years but his contributions to the Church are unparalleled in modern times.  He took the name Pius because the past popes who possessed that name suffered for Christ as great defenders of Catholic doctrine.  As soon as he became pope, he sought to reform the devotion of the clergy.  He is also called the Pope of Holy Communion because he reduced the age at which children were able to receive communion.  Through this great saint’s writings and example, we learn how to fight heresy, and especially Modernism, without compromise.

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