The Father of Vocations

Feast of Saint Joseph 2015
When a person is given a vocation, he is always given the divine help necessary to reach his final goal of Heaven.  Even the people who miss their divine calling are given sufficient grace to save their souls.  Many people, especially in our days, lack confidence in God and are too afraid to fulfill their great calling in life.  St. Joseph was called to be the spouse of the Mother of God and the earthly representative of God the Father.  This was a vocation which was truly beyond human ability to fulfill.  The only doubts St. Joseph entertained were doubts about his own judgment.  He recognized his poverty in every way, but was filled with confidence in God.  Like the priest, St. Joseph had custody over the Body of the Son of God and was willing to lay down his life to protect Him.  The patron of all our needs is St. Joseph.

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The Language of Lent

Laetare Sunday 2015
Penance has a variety of meanings.  It refers to the infused virtue that inclines a person to hate his faults, the sacrament of penance, and the works we perform to make up for our sins.  Mortification refers to works which put to death evil inclinations.  Propitiation is an act by which someone who has been offended is now appeased.  The Mass and our prayers are great works of propitiation.  When we make satisfaction, we punish ourselves for our sins.  Our sufferings may be offered to God as a form of satisfaction.  Atonement refers to the union with God which is achieved when our sins are expiated or wiped away.  This is the Sunday of the Golden Rose, on which the pope would take a golden rose and give it to a privileged monarch, who was favored by the pope.  The rose is seen as a foretaste of the happiness of Heaven.

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A Place Of Peace

All Souls Day 2014
We remember in a special way the great priests who stood up against the corruption in the Church.  They were persecuted so we might have the Faith today.  We should pray with all our hearts and souls during this Mass.  Purgatory was not first created out of justice but out of love.  Our greatest obligation is not to obey God, but to love Him.  One great act of love can forgive our sins.  We love God freely, but we also owe God our love in justice.  If our love is tainted by pride and ego, it must be purified in Purgatory.

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The King Of Saints

Christ the King 2014
The purpose of human history is for the creation of saints.  The reason for all human existence is to reach the final end of sanctification.  The feast of Christ the King was instituted to combat secularism.  God is the efficient cause of everything, and because of this He owns everything.  There is a communal side to all men, but we are not only bonded to one another, we are bound to God.  Christ in His human nature is intimately united to the human race, and even more so after we are baptized.  God wants to be loved, and it is our obligation to do so.

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The Champion Has Arrived

Sermon from The Feast of
St. Michael The Archangel 2014
The angels were created before all material creation, and they are one of the chief creatures of God.  Hell was created first for the fallen angels, not for men.  We should ask our guarding angels to help us pray and to soften the hearts of our enemies.  St. Michael is mentioned in the Old and New Testament, as well as in oral tradition.  “Whoever humbles himself will be greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.”  We must call on St. Michael to make us humble.  Despite the desperate struggle of our times, St. Michael gives us confidence in our triumph.

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Fear And Encouragement

Sermon From
9th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
We are given tremendous encouragements in this Mass.  Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and it is that fear which we are taught today.  Even as the elect, we can still be lost, but God is faithful and will not abandon us.  Just as Christ wept over the city of Jerusalem, we feel sorrow for those who have turned away from God and will endure His just punishments.  We are all soldiers of Christ who must remain strong and continue to pray for our enemies.

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Love Never Fails

Sermon From
All Souls Day 2013
This beautiful Mass for the Holy Souls in Purgatory has its own sequence entitled “Dies Irae” which means the Day of Wrath.  It is a warning to the living of the judgments of God but ends with hope of happiness in heaven.  Today is proof that the debt for our forgiven sins can be removed and that Divine Love has in fact created Purgatory for that purpose.  Obstacles still persist in the soul after death and impede our entrance into glory.  These can and will be removed by a purification that severs souls from anything that still holds them from ascending.  What do non-Catholics do in the face of death?  Our consoling doctrine can teach them about God’s merciful love.

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The King and His Saints

Sermon From
The Feast Of Christ the King 2013
On this feast of Christ the King we recall Quas Primas, the encyclical letter of Pope Pius XI, which explains this teaching on Our Lord’s social kingdom and the reasons for instituting this feast.  Later this week we have the holyday of obligation known as All Saints day and the following day we have All Souls day which reminds us of the holy souls in Purgatory who are being purified before entering heaven.  Taken together we have the Church Militant, Church Triumphant and Church Suffering being presented to us as the perfect union of the Mystical Body of Christ.  The fact that only Truth has rights produces its wonderful consequences in salvation history where the desire for sanctity and living for God are beautifully seen and realized under the peaceful and loving reign of Jesus Christ.

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Prepare For The Second Coming

Sermon From
9th Sunday After Pentecost 2013
During the announcements today we learn what things are necessary for the upcoming Confirmations.  This Mass is a warning so we are ready when Our Lord returns for the Final Judgment.  Jerusalem and people in general live lives of distraction which deflects their attention from the important things in life and this renders them oblivious to Christ on the day of His visitation.  If we heed the words of the Epistle and Gospel we will have a clear conscience and receive Jesus as we should.

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Why God Permits Suffering

Today is also Father’s Day.  This vocation is attacked in our society and only adds to the suffering and sacrifices that fathers must endure for the sake of their families but God always hears their prayers and heaven awaits them.  The Black Forest fires that have been destroying many homes in our area have even threatened us but God has preserved us.  We have many spiritual helps to protect us and all are welcome here in case of danger.  Things like this make people wonder how evils exist in a world created by our heavenly Father Who saw that all was good.  Non-Catholics are at a loss to answer such questions and some conclude that God cannot exist.  We know that there are many reasons why we suffer and imitating Our Lord on the cross and winning eternal glory is certainly one of them.

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