God’s Promises Accomplished

Conference on 1st Friday July 2024 In St. Paul’s instruction to the young bishop, St. Timothy, he emphasized the importance of spiritual reading.  If this instruction is given to a bishop, it applies all the more so to the laity.  Prayer and spiritual reading are necessary for the growth of sanctity. St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria…

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Where Joy and Sorrow Meet

Feast of the Purification 2024 The candle is one of the great sacramentals of the Church.  It is like a sacrament in the sense that it is an outward sign, but unlike a sacrament, it does not give grace automatically.  This day links Our Lord and the Blessed Mother so closely.  Today we remember both…

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Light Will Conquer Darkness

Christmas Day 2023 We have the privilege of giving glory and proper worship to the Trinity on this day.  We celebrate the dogma of the Redemptive Incarnation.  In His infinite love, God became man, lived with us and died for us.  Our Lord’s enemies try to attack and undermine this great feast, but without success. …

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A Silent And Holy Night

Christmas Midnight Mass 2023 It is a true joy to relive the happiness of that night in Bethlehem in which our Savior was born.  It was in silence and solitude Our Lord entered the world.  Just as Christ passed through the rock of His tomb at the moment of His Resurrection, He passed through the…

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Peace and Rest

Vigil of Christmas 2023 Today the Church cries out, “We will have Him to rule over us!”  This Mass is like an early celebration of Christmas.  “Come Lord and Reign!” says the Alleluia verse.  According to St. Ignatius Martyr, the reason St. Joseph was betrothed to the Blessed Virgin Mary was to hide the miracle…

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Our Lady’s Two Loves

Sermon on the Feast of The Immaculate Conception 2023 This dogma has always been believed by the Christian world, but more recently it was made gravely binding for every Catholic to believe.  The Virgin Mary was redeemed more perfectly than the rest of men.  She was preserved from all stain of original sin by an…

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She Is The Joy of Heaven

Feast of the Assumption 2023 In Heaven, the Blessed Mother is second only to the Holy Trinity in honor.  She is called Co-redemptrix because everything that Our Lord won she won as well in a subordinate manner.  It was a miracle that she was sustained in life while her Divine Son died.  She was kept…

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The Sabbatine Privilege

7th Sunday After Pentecost 2023 Our Lady of Mount Carmel – We must not be deceived by wolves in sheep’s clothing.  There are many false teachers in the church who use the same language as true Catholics but mean something different.  In the disastrous results of modernism in the Church, we see the bad fruit…

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God’s Gift to Man

Christmas Midnight Mass 2022 This is the Feast of light, the Feast of Hope, the Feast of Victory, but this feast is also a Gift to us.  A gift is valuable because it contains the giver, just as offering a meal to a friend is a way of sharing oneself.  This is most perfectly exemplified…

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