The Dogmas of Christmas

Christmas Conference 2024
In a moment in time the Word assumed a human nature and from then on, He was completely God and completely man and will be so for all eternity.  This feast of Christmas also includes the doctrine of the Virgin Birth.  The Blessed Mother was virgin before, during, and after the birth of Christ.  This miracle foreshadowed the Resurrection, in which Christ passed through His tomb while leaving it shut.

The reason why the Son became man was first to honor His Father, and only secondarily for the salvation of mankind.  All things were made as an expression of His goodness, and all mankind was made for God first.  God became a Father in a new way on Christmas, because it was only then that He became Father in the flesh.  Our Lord came to dwell forever in our hearts as the King of Peace.  This is a feast of hope which offers a foretaste of the final victory at the end of time.  The three Masses of Christmas focus, first on the eternal birth of the Son from the Father, then the birth of the Word in the Flesh, and finally the birth of the Word in men’s hearts.  Christ appeared as a helpless child, and all are drawn to the innocence and purity of an infant.  It teaches each one of us to become like little children so we might enter the kingdom of Heaven.

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The Best Gift for His Mother, Part 2

The Advent Conferences 2024
Bishop’s 2nd Immaculate Conception ConferenceLearn how the account of the fall of man found in the book of Genesis predicts the great privilege of the Immaculate Conception that would be given to the Mother of God.

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Fair as the Moon, Resplendent as the Sun

Immaculate Conception 2024
In 1854 Pope Pius IX made the dogmatic pronouncement of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  This incomparable dogma first began to be known immediately after the fall of Adam.  The Fathers of the Church tell us that the reference to the “woman” in the Protoevangelium refers to the Immaculate Conception.  A debate among saints and theologians arose in the Church questioning how this was possible, since Our Lady had to be redeemed as well.  The question was answered by Duns Scotus, leading to the establishment of the feast we celebrate today.  From the moment of her conception the Virgin Mary was more pleasing to God than all the saints and angels combined.  She prays for us in a special way as we celebrate her feast through the Mass. On this day, let us tell our Mother with all our hearts how much we love her.

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The Best Gift for His Mother

First Friday, December 2024
Conference on Grace and The Immaculate ConceptionWhen we speak of perfect passive conception, we refer to the moment in which the product of active conception is infused with a soul and becomes a human person.  From this moment of perfect passive conception, the Virgin Mary was redeemed in a preservative, not a liberative, manner.  The Blessed Mother from this point possessed a greater union with God than all the angels and saints.  Our Lady was not only free from the guilt of Original Sin, but also the concupiscence of the flesh, of the eyes, and the pride of life.  By a divine ligature, she was unable to consent to even the slightest imperfections.

Sanctifying Grace is a created share in the supernatural life of God.  When God breathed human life into Adam, He breathed a share of divine life into him as well.  Grace must be valued above all things.  We must be willing to live and die to preserve it.  The Blessed Mother was given the plenitude of grace in preparation for her role as the Mother of God, as well as Mother to each one of us.

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Am I Not Your Mother?

Evening Sermon on the Feast of
The Immaculate Conception 2023
Pope Pius IX, invoking his infallibility, proclaimed the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1854.  Our Lady was saved in a unique way by her preservation from Original Sin at the moment of her Immaculate Conception.  The Epistle for this feast was applied to the Virgin Mary by the Church to emphasize that she was always in God’s mind.  The faithful have always believed this dogma, supported by Holy Scripture, since the beginning of Christianity.  Our Country is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception.

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Our Lady’s Two Loves

Sermon on the Feast of
The Immaculate Conception 2023
This dogma has always been believed by the Christian world, but more recently it was made gravely binding for every Catholic to believe.  The Virgin Mary was redeemed more perfectly than the rest of men.  She was preserved from all stain of original sin by an anticipation of the future merits of Jesus Christ.  She was given the initial plenitude of grace at conception, but her capacity to receive Sanctifying Grace grew with her throughout her life.  God knew the evil of man after his fall, so God promised that he would put enmity between the devil and the woman.  The Blessed Mother has both the heart of a virgin and the heart of a mother.

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Sanctification Through The Liturgy

First Sunday of Advent 2023
On this first day of the liturgical year, we begin with a view of the end of time.  It is a warning for the enemies of Christ.  A day is coming when God will judge the nations.  This is a Gospel of hope.  “Christ loves us too much not to share His sufferings and joys.”  The ordinary means of sanctification is the holy liturgy.  It conforms us to Christ.  It brings the mysteries of Christ to life on the altar.  In the season of Advent, we share in the preparation of all the patriarchs and prophets for Christ’s coming.

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She Is The Joy of Heaven

Feast of the Assumption 2023
In Heaven, the Blessed Mother is second only to the Holy Trinity in honor.  She is called Co-redemptrix because everything that Our Lord won she won as well in a subordinate manner.  It was a miracle that she was sustained in life while her Divine Son died.  She was kept on Earth for the sake of helping the early Church.  Because the Virgin Mary shared so closely in Our Lord’s death, she shares in His triumph.  She offers the gifts of God as she pleases to her children here below.

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Preserved Immaculate

Feast Of The Immaculate Conception 2021
Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854 after years of preparation and prayer.  In the encyclical that contains the definition the pope begins to prove the truth of the doctrine by showing that the liturgy of the Church from its earliest days honored Our Lady under this title and privilege.  So in turning to Mass texts of this feast we see the beauty of our Blessed Mother explained.  We pray to fulfill her prophecy in the Magnificat that we are part of the present generation that calls her blessed.

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Dormition Of Mary

Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin 2021
Pope Pius XII during of the Holy Year of 1950 proclaimed the dogma that the Blessed Mother at the end of Her earthly life was taken body and soul into Heaven.  This overdue definition was not a new revelation but something given to the Church through the Apostles.  Dating from those days is an apocryphal account which describes in detail what happened at this momentous event of Our Lady’s Assumption.  Present day archaeology has unearthed the tomb used for Mary’s brief “sleep” before Her glorious entrance into Heaven.  There are many reasons for the bestowal of this honor but this is a touching one: how could our Heavenly Mother care for us, Her children, without having Her heart with Her to do so?  Do not hesitate to approach such a Mother, even to ask for miracles.

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