Jesus Loves You

4th Sunday after Easter 2021 – First Holy Communion Sunday
This week we have the feasts of St. Monica, whose prayers and tears were necessary to convert her son, and St. Pius V, whose papal initiatives preserved our traditional Latin Mass and saved Christendom at the battle of Lepanto.  Congratulations to our first communicants who will receive at this Mass.  This is a great day for our Savior Who wanted this communion from all eternity. There is no greater love than Our Lord’s because He surrendered His life on the cross so to be able to come in communion today.  Christ asks you to give Him your hearts.  You have the model of a eucharistic saint in the boy who received holy communion from the angels while tending his flock far from church.

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Good Example

Third Sunday after Easter 2021
Today is also the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist and the day for the Greater Litanies, which are more ancient than St. Mark’s day.  St. Peter in the Epistle is asking the faithful to practice the Faith and thereby be models for non-Catholics and poor Catholics.  He reminds us of practicing the virtue of obedience before God and our neighbors.  Our good example and brief words, not preaching, convert others.  The story of a priest simply asking a girl “not to hurt God” is a wonderful case in point.

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Gospel Of Faith

Low Sunday 2021
The Easter Octave is completed today and our recently baptized neophytes put aside their baptismal garments and now begin the life as one of the faithful.  This is particularly done by following Our Lord in the Liturgy in our prayers. The Paschal candle is Christ with us now and lights the way in appreciating His Resurrection.  The Faith is all important and essential.  Today’s Gospel teaches us how we must approach this gift with humility knowing we cannot achieve this by our own power.  This theological virtue which has God as source and goal will lead us to heaven one day.

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At The Foot Of The Cross

From ancient times the faithful gathered around the Cross on this day to commemorate Our Lord’s Passion and Death which He offered to teach us the terrible evil of sin and His infinite love for us.  Our hearts are moved in the opening of the liturgy by the unfolding of the prophecies and their fulfillment through the readings and the chanting of the Passion.  With this understanding we join with Our Lord on the Cross as He prays solemnly for us and the needs of the whole world.  We adore the cross as our ancestors did and finally we receive Our Lord in Holy Communion and unite ourselves perfectly with Him.  Now fortified we can offer ourselves daily with Our Savior and one day win the glory of the Resurrection through dying together with Him.

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His Infinite Suffering

Holy Week begins with Our Lord’s triumphal entrance into His city, Jerusalem.  The outpouring of fervor by the pilgrims there for the Passover was increased by the recent raising of Lazarus from the dead.  The city, which did not welcome Him when the Magi came and announced His birth, did so now in such a way that His foes were left feeling powerless.  All would change by the end of the week and today’s liturgy shows that as well with the Passion.  First Communion today is an opportunity to receive Our Lord as the children of the Hebrews did many years ago.

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Favored By God

Feast Of The Annunciation 2021
This feast celebrates the moment when salvation began with the acceptance by the Blessed Virgin Mary of her role as Mother of God and Co-Redemptrix of the human race.  God became Man today and the Incarnation is the chief teaching of the Catholic Church about Jesus Christ.  This also marks the anniversary of Our Lord’s ordination as a priest.  All this elevates the Immaculate Virgin to the threshold of divinity by her proximity to the hypostatic union which took place in her womb.  This can be considered her greatest feast.  It was a privilege for some of us to have visited the Holy House of Loretto because this is the place where it started.  We should not be rude in prayer by letting ourselves be distracted from speaking with God.


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O Happy Fault

Passion Sunday 2021
Today is also the feast of St. Benedict whose influence has had such an impact on western civilization.  Later this week we have St. John Damascene who defended our use of images of the saints.  The liturgical year is our response to Our Lord’s command at the Last Supper to “Do this in memory of Me”.  Passion Sunday continues this on the road to Calvary by having us veil the statues of the saints as a penance and suffering.  This unites us with the sufferings of Christ and sanctifies our own sufferings which are our means of sanctification.  With this appreciation for our living in this vale of tears we can look upon Adam’s sin as something from which we can and should benefit.

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Prayer and Fasting

1st Sunday In Lent 2021
Jesus Christ leads us by example as we begin Lent.  He sanctified the forty days we have begun by first spending that number of days in prayer and fasting in the desert before He started His public life.  Upon its completion He overcame Satan and his temptations.  We will do the same during this Lent as we walk in Christ’s footsteps by doing penance that will regain control of ourselves.  We make up for the sin of eating that Adam and Eve committed.  We follow our ancestors who made Lent holy and would not mar these forty days with war, court proceedings and other distracting activities.

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Our 40 Day Lenten Retreat

Ash Wednesday Evening 2021
Ashes are a sacramental so we should stir up our hearts and receive them devoutly.  By popular demand the reception of ashes was extended to all the faithful not just the public penitents.  We should imitate the penitents and catechumens during this spiritual retreat and practice acts of penance like prayer, fasting, almsgiving and studying.  Our Lord taught us about these in the Sermon on the Mount from which today’s Gospel comes.  We enter Lent with Christ as our Leader so we imitate Him in His sufferings and eventually in His Resurrection.

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Ultimately Penance Is Love

Ash Wednesday 2021
Neglect of practicing penance during Lent is a cause of the problems we experience in the world today.  The virtue of penance is a power from God which makes us hate sin, be sorry for it, make reparation for it and convert because sin offends God Who loves us.  Penance spurs us on to mortify our evil tendencies and remove the obstacles during Lent so to make room for Our Lord.  The Liturgy teaches us these things and the acts of penance are traditionally known as prayer, fasting and almsgiving.  Many ask for penances during Lent and several recommendations are given to help us make a good and holy Lent.

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