God Will Provide

Feast Of The Holy Family 2022
This first Sunday after the Epiphany begins the short season of manifesting the divinity of God made Man.  The Gospel contains the first words of the Word made Flesh and clearly reveal He is completely aware of His identity and mission.  The Holy Family is the model for all of us who belong to families and Pope Leo teaches in his encyclical about the domestic life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and how our families should imitate them.  This is also the 45th anniversary of the beginning of our religious community and a time for thanksgiving.  It is a reminder that one must follow principles no matter the sacrifice entailed and maintain loyalty.  God, who permits evil so to draw good from it, will do the rest.

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Preserved Immaculate

Feast Of The Immaculate Conception 2021
Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854 after years of preparation and prayer.  In the encyclical that contains the definition the pope begins to prove the truth of the doctrine by showing that the liturgy of the Church from its earliest days honored Our Lady under this title and privilege.  So in turning to Mass texts of this feast we see the beauty of our Blessed Mother explained.  We pray to fulfill her prophecy in the Magnificat that we are part of the present generation that calls her blessed.

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Sharing Your Lives Together

Wedding of Tyler & Patricia Smith
This is a happy day for the bride and groom and all who know and love you.  The marriage bond was given by God to Adam and Eve and then it was raised to a sacrament by Christ when He walked among us.  The purposes of this sacrament are the procreation and education of children, mutual support and a remedy to concupiscence.  The primary purpose is raising children, not just to live in this world but, for heaven.  This holy institution demands responsible adults whose love for each other gives them the ability to share sufferings together and to be humble in bearing one another’s weaknesses.  Through this you will both have a happy life together and win a reward in heaven.

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The Church Endures

24th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
Today’s Gospel is warning and a consolation that the good and evil grow together but are separated at the end and receive different rewards based on their deeds in life.  The Church has gone through troubles in the past and present but will always survive because of God’s preserving grace.  The enemies will have their apparent power stripped away.  We should not assume that we are the wheat and neglect to watch over our hearts and have weeds grow there instead.  The most successful apostolates are good example and prayer.  The virtuous life becomes easier as we practice it.

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Christ The King Conference

First Friday, November 2021
Two final notes concerning the Holy Souls are how they pass time in Purgatory and how we relate to them. We are raised with the secular teaching that the Church and State should be separated.  Christ spoke to the people of His time as integral individuals and did not dichotomize them by their public and private lives.  The Our Father petitions for the coming of His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.  Christ did not limit Himself to individuals but commanded preaching to entire nations.  All this is based on the hypostatic union which constitutes Our Lord as priest and king.  St. Pius X said that the problems of the world are permitted by the laxity and lukewarmness of passive Catholics.

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Remember Death

All Souls Day, Evening 2021
The ancient pagan art in Rome often had death as its theme.  We too should meditate on death but Christianize it by seeing the goal as God in heaven.  Some of our brethren have not achieved the goal yet and are in Purgatory.  We can assist them by praying for them and teaching others, especially our children, to pray for them.  By taking a moment to help the Holy Souls we will be gaining friends for eternity.

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All Souls Day Conference

All Souls Day 2021
Having a day to pray for the souls of the faithful departed began in the monasteries where the deceased monks were remembered in Masses, the Divine Office and by reciting 150 Our Fathers.  Souls in Purgatory are often permitted to visit family, friends and the altars where they assisted at Mass.  At death a person’s soul leaves his body and is judged instantly.  His decision at that time can never change because without his body to provide new information the soul’s choice at the moment of death is irrevocable.  Those in grace but not yet perfect are purified in Purgatory where the fires purify their souls by humbling their pride.  There is peace and joy there also because the Holy Souls know that they are saved and will see God.  We should pray, fast and give alms to assist them.

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Humility Of All The Saints

All Saints Day 2021
The Church always celebrated groups of saints and today’s feast includes all the saints.  In the seventh century the pagan Pantheon was consecrated to God and the relics of the saints in the catecombs were brought to this temple for veneration and honoring.  God gave this feast so we thank Him for the saints, we can imitate them, implore their intercession and make reparation for any dishonor shown them or the angels.  If worldlings work so hard following their pagan ideals why can’t Christians work as hard to love God as He deserves?  Humility is the secret of the saints and the law of mercy.

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Our King

Feast Of Christ The King 2021
We are subjects of Christ, our King, and as such we are grateful to assist at this feast day and to follow Him faithfully.  Pope Pius XI instituted this feast almost a century ago and placed it before All Saints day.  This highlights His authority over the saints and encourages us to pray to them for their intercession.  The encyclical of the pope teaches about the basis of Our Lord’s Kingship in the Incarnation.  It explains His three fold powers as executor, legislator and judge.  His is a gentle rule over the hearts of men and in due time He rescues us.  On our part, we must never compromise what our King has asked us to do and the best way to honor Him is by denying ourselves, taking up our crosses daily and following Him into His heavenly kingdom.

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Signs Of Demonic Temptation

21st Sunday After Pentecost 2021
Tomorrow is the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist and today is the feast of St. Margaret Mary the Apostle of the Sacred Heart.  The Epistle for this Mass was written by St. Paul during his imprisonment and the armor of his jailers was a reminder to him of the defensive and offensive weapons that we have in our spiritual combat, not with natural forces but, with preternatural forces on high.  Lucifer is the leader of these proud fallen demons who are the cause of most of our temptations.  Sudden, disturbing, prideful, lying and divisive characteristics mark these attacks from the devil.  The Gospel warns us to be merciful because we have received mercy.  The Divine Maternity has an important attribute that honors Our Lady’s virginity before, during and after Christ’s birth.  The Holy Rosary is our great means of sanctification.

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