Gratitude Is Our Goal

Good Shepherd Sunday 2015
This is the day we are called to a more perfect life.  Our Lord shows Himself to be the Good Shepherd Who truly loves His sheep.  Not only does He care for and nourish His flock, but He protects us from attacks, even to the point of giving His life for us.  The clergy are meant to be leaders and examples for the faithful, and it is the job of all the faithful to bring more people into the Church.  How many countless sacrifices have the missionaries made throughout the centuries to win conversions?  We must thank God every day for the gifts we have been given.

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The Sun of Justice Rises

Low Sunday 2015
We call this day Sunday because the early English-speaking Christians kept the pagan name of the day to honor the “Sun of Justice” Who has risen.  This is common practice of Catholicism, to Christianize every culture.  Easter Sunday is the day of the Light of the Sun of Justice.  We are more sons of God then even sons of our parents.  Because we have a share in God’s life, our only desire should be to obtain Heaven. Our three infallible Witnesses are in Heaven Who give testimony of the truth that Christ is both God and man.

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The Father of Vocations

Feast of Saint Joseph 2015
When a person is given a vocation, he is always given the divine help necessary to reach his final goal of Heaven.  Even the people who miss their divine calling are given sufficient grace to save their souls.  Many people, especially in our days, lack confidence in God and are too afraid to fulfill their great calling in life.  St. Joseph was called to be the spouse of the Mother of God and the earthly representative of God the Father.  This was a vocation which was truly beyond human ability to fulfill.  The only doubts St. Joseph entertained were doubts about his own judgment.  He recognized his poverty in every way, but was filled with confidence in God.  Like the priest, St. Joseph had custody over the Body of the Son of God and was willing to lay down his life to protect Him.  The patron of all our needs is St. Joseph.

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Lent Restores Peace

Ash Wednesday 2015
Not one word is said about punishment or damnation in the readings for this Mass, and that should give a hint to Catholics about the true spirit of this season.  There is no such thing as a private sin.  Not only are all our sins known to the heavenly court, but the whole universe is affected by them.  In the early years of the Church, public penitents were driven out of the churches, just as Adam was driven from Paradise after his sin.  This is a time of holiness, mercy, hope, and pardon, not condemnation and gloom.  We must begin Lent as we should examine our conscience, by looking at Our Lord and comparing ourselves with Him.  During Lent Christ pleads with us not to leave Him alone, so we may be united with Him forever.

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It Is Not Easy

Septuagesima Sunday 2015
The Epistle tells us that if we are to put our efforts into anything it should be something that really matters.  Not for the perishable rewards given in sports but for the eternal reward of Heaven.  These three Sundays are for an examination of conscience.  We should be asking during these days what we have done in our life that has truly mattered.  It is not easy to be a Catholic, because it means we will have enemies in this life.  The opinions of men do not affect our eternity.  It does not matter how we begin our life, but how we end it.  We must live with distrust of self and knowledge of our dependence on God.

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He Rules Our Souls

Sunday within the Octave of Christmas 2014
Because the feast of the Nativity is so important, the Church celebrates throughout its octave, each day of which emphasizes different aspects of the Nativity.  We are given a great example of the staunch defense of the Faith on the feast of St. Stephen.  We are shown Our Lord as an infant, how He is seemingly helpless and most deserving of our love.  It is a privilege and honor to assist at the true Mass.  When we receive the Sanctifying Grace the Trinity is active in our souls.  The Holy Spirit establishes His home within us, and we are called to be His faithful children.

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The Everlasting Effect of Christmas

Sermon on The Feast of
Christmas 2014
On this day the Son of God, after taking to Himself a human nature, entered the world.  The Virginal Birth is the cornerstone of this feast.  The Blessed Mother was virgin before, during, and after the birth of Christ, and remained so perpetually.  We are Christians not because we admire Jesus Christ, but because we recognize Him as our God.  God entered the world and changed the destiny of the whole human race.  Despite all the world seems to offer, it ultimately only gives sadness and fear.  However, Christmas is the one day that brings a lasting joy to man, because it offers us true hope.  We pray that the joy of the manger remains forever in our hearts.

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Penance and Preparation

Sermon From The
4th Sunday of Advent 2014
✟Father Violette
This is the last day of preparation for the birth of Christ.  To talk about penance, conversion, and self-purification is not opposed to the joy of Christmas, but necessary for true participation.  Even the Child Jesus had His Passion in mind when He first entered the world.  St. John the Baptist was the holiest man who had ever lived up to that point, yet he was not given power to change the soul through his baptism.  It is only through the merits of Christ that the sacrament of Baptism gives us new life.  Without prayer and penance, we will surely lose our way.

+ Father Violette’s final sermon +

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Theological In Prayer

Sermon On The
2nd Sunday of Advent 2014
The liturgical year begins with a consoling view of the end from the prospective of those who are faithful.  This Advent prepares us for the coming of Christ on Christmas and at the end of time.  The “People of Sion” are called to exult and be joyful, knowing that God is coming to save us.  God has been faithful to His promise in sending the Redeemer.  St. John the Baptist, who was soon to be martyred, sent his followers to Christ so they might follow Him.  If we wish to be saved, we must pray theologically.

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Watch And Pray

Sermon from The
1st Sunday of Advent 2014
St. Andrew was the first of the Apostles.  He traveled to Greece and even Russia, and ultimately gave his life by crucifixion in imitation of Our Lord.  We begin the new liturgical year and the reliving and re-presentation of the life of Christ, through which we are able to tap into the mysteries of His life.  We know the end of the world will come and the evil we endure now is only because of the good God will bring from it.  We must know the signs of the end so we may watch and pray, full of trust in Christ.

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