Strangers In This World

Third Sunday After Easter 2018
The Collect of the Mass for the Third Sunday after Easter instructs us to think of ourselves as passing through this life on the way to eternity.  The Gospel recounts the words of Our Lord at the Last Supper about the little while before the apostles will see Him again.  In comparison to eternity our lives are only a little while.  We must pray and be encouraged that our faithfulness for just a little while will gain us the happiness of heaven.


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That You May Abound In Hope

2nd Sunday of Advent 2017

To encourage us during this penitential season preparing for Christmas the Church reminds us, especially the Gentiles, of God’s mercy and the reason for us to hope.  Despite all the difficulties of life we have tremendous confidence that Our Savior will take care of us because His upcoming birth is proof of that.  He is the Light of the World and dispels the darkness outside.


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Lay Aside Works of Darkness

1st Sunday Of Advent 2017

Advent is a time of penance and this year it is a shorter season to prepare for Christmas.  We need to appreciate everyday as a gift enabling us to pray and grow in spiritual progress.  Ask the Blessed Mother and the saints to help us in this important task.


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The Doctrine On Purgatory

All Souls Day 2017

Despite the tone of mourning and sorrow the Church has infused this Mass on All Souls Day with hope.  The reason for this is explained by the teachings of our Faith about Purgatory where those who have died as imperfect friends of God are purified of the obstacles that impede their entrance into heaven.  This devotion is ancient in the Church and in history and the liturgical expression of it is examined.  Finally, the saints are cited for their insights.


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This Is Our Feast

All Saints Day 2017

The origins of this feast of All Saints come from the consecration of the church St. Mary of the Martyrs (formerly the pagan Pantheon temple) and the transfer of many of the relics of the martyrs from the catacombs to this church.  This holyday of obligation recalls the mark of the Church, holiness, and how each of us is capable of attaining it.  Any saints not on the universal calendar or uncanonized are celebrated today and the texts for this Mass can be claimed by each of us as our own.



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Avoid The Devil’s Contagion

17th Sunday after Pentecost 2017

The Church begins to prepare us for the end of the liturgical year with this Mass which reminds us of judgment.  The Gospel gives the great commandments of the Law: love of God and neighbor, and the importance of faith in God Incarnate.  St. Paul reminds us to express our charity by promoting peace.  The enemy to all this is the devil which the Collect prays that we avoid his evil influences.



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The True Cross

Exaltation of the Holy Cross 2017

Relics of the true Cross are in our shrine and give us a link to the origins of this feast.  The Cross had its antecedents in the Old Testament but its exaltation began with Constantine’s victory under its banner.  His mother, St. Helen, discovered the true Cross and later the Emperor Herclius saved it from the Persians.  The mystery of the Cross, if known and lived, will be our path to a glorious triumph in heaven and peace and consolation during the trials and sufferings of this life.


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Make Us Love What You Command

13th Sunday after Pentecost 2017

The Collect Prayer for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost sums up our desire for an increase of the theological virtues and a desire to love God as He wants.  For this, we should pray the Acts of Faith, Hope and Charity daily because these virtues are essential for gaining heaven and we can never have enough of them.  The Gospel reminds us that we must be grateful to God for His gifts as the leperous Samaritan was after Christ healed him.


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Be A Man Of Prayer

11th Sunday After Pentecost 2017

We must do good to others and be grateful for whatever gifts we receive.  To live a spiritual life requires prayer more than our natural life needs the air we breathe.  By its power we are enabled to make all the daily sacrifices God requires of us along the path of perfection.  The goal is heaven and the greatest experience of seeing God whereas the alternative is the terrible pain of loss in hell.


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Grace, Love And Union

Assumption Day 2017
Through Our Lady’s Assumption God has empowered the Mother of God with extraordinary intercessory power which enables Our Lady at Fatima to promise salvation to those who embrace devotion to Her Immaculate Heart.  The anticipated resurrection of the Blessed Mother is one of the reasons why She can assure heaven to Her devotees.  The Immaculate Conception and the Blessed Virgin Mary’s fullness of grace and love are causes of Her Assumption.  Her union with the Passion and Death of Her Son is a further reason for Her joining Him in His Resurrection and Ascension.

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