Herald Of Christmas

Gaudete Sunday 2018
The Third Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete Sunday because of the mitigated penance it communicates as we draw closer to Christ’s arrival.  St. John the Baptist comes before us again in today’s Gospel as he heralds the Messiah and Christmas.  He had great holiness and all the qualities necessary to prepare the people for the Redeemer’s arrival.  The Epistle echoes the call of the Mass to let our joy touch others and lead them to God.  Success in this regard depends on prayer with belief, confidence in petition, reliance on God and perseverance.  With these our prayers bear fruit as does our upcoming celebration of Christmas.

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God Thinks Thoughts of Peace

24th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The Introit for these final Sundays after Pentecost is from the letter of Jeremias to the exiles in Babylon and reassures them that God will lead them back to the promised land as He leads us back to heaven.  The Gospel encourages us to believe that Christ, who sleeps now during the storm, will save us at the right time.  St. Paul in the Epistle directs us to love our neighbor by obeying the commandments. We can show love to our neighbor by praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.  It is wise to teach your children this practice so they will pray for you someday.

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Be Prepared To Meet God

All Souls Day Evening 2018
All Souls Day is a consoling Catholic liturgical commemoration which distinguishes us from other religions.  It reminds us of the perfection required for entrance into heaven and a place of mercy for those who still need purification.  It warns us of hell if we die an enemy of God.  Christ said we must pay even the last penny and so the souls in Purgatory are doing that by making amends for their sins.  We must pray for the dead and for ourselves in facing death.  God has given us the sacrament of Extreme Unction which prepares us to meet God and we should pray for this great gift daily.

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The Embrace That Wakes The Dead

All Souls Day 2018
We are called on All Souls Day to be like the religious Sisters of the Society of the Helpers of the Holy Souls by praying and sacrificing for the relief and release of those detained in Purgatory.  A member of this congregation, Mother St. Austin, wrote much about the purgatorial life and those who live it.  In excerpts from her poetry we learn about God’s great love of the souls of the Church Suffering and how He embraces them and brings them to heaven once they have been perfected through their time of purification.  St. Mary Magdalen is their patroness because she is the example for us of how the sins of a lifetime can be expiated as she accomplished it in three hours at the foot of the Cross.

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All Saints Chapel

All Saints Day 2018

Our chapel could be named for All Saints Day because we have the Beatitudes from the Gospel on the walls along with statues of the saints, especially those who were sinners.  This is a reminder of the origin of this feast in transferring relics to St. Mary of the Martyrs in Rome, the previously pagan temple of the Pantheon.  Today is a great celebration in heaven as all who have lived ordinary lives in extraordinary supernatural ways are honored.  We are called to imitate them and to join them one day.


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Consolation At The Time Of Death

Funeral Mass October 12, 2018

At this funeral Mass we are reminded about the importance of praying for the dead.  We must die because of Adam’s sin which we inherit and we must free ourselves from the guilt and punishment of our own actual sins.  Christ has given us the Sacrament of Penance to remove guilt but we may depart this life still with a debt to be paid and that is accomplished in Purgatory.  Now our work begins by praying for the departed.  These truths are a blessing to Catholics who know from them what to do when death claims one of our loved ones.  The Sacrament of Extreme Unction has been given by Our Lord just for the moment of death and the Church provides the Apostolic Blessing to give us added encouragement at this critical time.


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Labor Day

15th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost is a quintessential Mass for the season.  From the hope expressed in the Introit to the Communion verse about our Life in the Eucharist we are assured of God’s mercy on the path to Heaven.  This year the Sunday falls before Labor Day and it is good to remember the holiday’s Catholic roots in medieval Guilds and what the modern popes have written about this important component of society.


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About Mary, Enough Is Never Said

Assumption Evening 2018
The feast of the Assumption celebrates the taking of Our Lady into heaven body and soul after her earthly life was completed.  This is in imitation of her Divine Son of Whom she is a perfect image.  The early Christians gathered around her after the Ascension and we do the same and with fervor that should increase always.  Love of our heavenly Mother is a sign of predestination.

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Ave Maris Stella

Feast Of The Assumption 2018
The Assumption is the prerogative of our Blessed Mother which fixes Her in heaven, body and soul, as the Star which leads us home as the Star of the Sea (Stella Maris) did for early sailors.  In the midst of the darkness of this life, we always have the hope of salvation because we see the Blessed Virgin Mary shining glorious and beckoning us to Heaven.  The apparition of Our Lady of the Willow is a heart-warming reminder of Her maternal solicitude for each of us, especially those most in need of her mercy.


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We Have Reason To Hope

3rd Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The Sacred Heart is shown to us in the Mass of this Sunday.  The texts emphasize the hope of this season symbolized by the color green.  Our Lord describes Himself in the Gospel as the Good Shepherd who carries His lost sheep home on His shoulders.  St. Peter warns in the Epistle that the devil is an obstacle on our path to heaven and we must know our enemy in order to combat him.  He was a murder and liar from the beginning and those are the evidence of his presence in the world today which is seen in recent news items.  Despite the dire circumstances we must have hope.


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