The Smile Of The Universe

All Saints Day 2014 There are four marks of the true Church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.  However, the most appealing mark is holiness.  The stories of the saints are innumerable and are a beacon of light to the world.  This is the feast which celebrates the holiness of the Church.  A saint is one…

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Gratitude: The Unknown Virtue

Sermon From 13th Sunday After Pentecost 2014 With the approach of the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows we are reminded of Christ’s final gift to us from the Cross.  As we prepare to resume catechism classes it is important for parents to realize their serious obligation to train their children for heaven.  Our Lady’s…

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The Blood of His Heart

Sermon From The Feast Of The Precious Blood 2014 We can see from the history of this feast day why is it so important for our times when the Church is under such great attacks.  The first gift of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is His Precious Blood.  The first reason for the creation of…

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Giver Of Life

Sermon On Pentecost Sunday 2014 The Father is the Unbegotten, the Son is the Only-begotten, and the Holy Ghost is the unifying and personal Love which unites both the Father and the Son.  The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Unction, the Finger of the Right Hand of God, and the Giver of Life. …

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The Irony of God

Sermon From The 3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2014 The conversion of St. Paul was the single most important moment in the spread of the Church.  St. Stephen’s prayer, as he was stoned to death, called down on Saul the grace of his conversion.  This conversion in St. Paul meant a real change, unlike the half…

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Love Never Fails

Sermon From All Souls Day 2013 This beautiful Mass for the Holy Souls in Purgatory has its own sequence entitled “Dies Irae” which means the Day of Wrath.  It is a warning to the living of the judgments of God but ends with hope of happiness in heaven.  Today is proof that the debt for…

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Sanctity Needs Great Desire

Sermon From The Feast Of All Saints 2013 Our Lord in the Gospel teaches the Beatitudes which show the blessedness of the saints.  We must have great desire to be holy and we can achieve this with prayer and effort.  Although non-Catholics criticize devotion to the saints they are not following Christian practice which dates…

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The King and His Saints

Sermon From The Feast Of Christ the King 2013 On this feast of Christ the King we recall Quas Primas, the encyclical letter of Pope Pius XI, which explains this teaching on Our Lord’s social kingdom and the reasons for instituting this feast.  Later this week we have the holyday of obligation known as All…

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A Gift For The Unworthy

Sermon From The 20th Sunday after Pentecost 2013 We must thank God for the invaluable gift of the Holy Catholic Faith.  We are not worthy of this gift.  The smallest increase of Faith is a greater gift than the possession of the whole world.  Reason cannot find Faith, it is a gift directly from God. …

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Our Lady’s Sovereignty

Sermon From 14th Sunday after Pentecost 2013 The time between the Assumption and the feast of the Seven Sorrows is considered Our Lady’s thirty days.  The Mass texts of these feasts and that of the Immaculate Heart show her quality as Co-Redemptrix.  This adds fervor to the devotion we already have to our heavenly Queen…

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