Lent Has Formally Begun

Sermon On The 1st Sunday of Lent 2014 Father Violette✟ Our sins are an infinite offense, because they offend an infinite God and although we cannot make adequate reparation, Our Lord has still instructed us to do penance.  This penance can only be performed with God’s supernatural help of grace.  We are guided by the…

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Prepare for Christ’s Coming

Sermon From 4th Sunday of Advent 2013 Father Violette✟ We have weeks to prepare us for the major feasts of the Church to wake us up and ensure we are ready.  From all eternity God has a special grace for each one of us – the grace of Christmas.  We have ample time to prepare…

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Humility Makes Us Happy

Sermon From The 24th Sunday after Pentecost 2013 A Catholic should never be sad, despite his troubles.  We see the example of the Little Flower, who died a painful death, at the age of twenty-four, yet she died laughing.  It is pride that makes us sad, and humility which makes us happy.  The Epistle tells…

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Believe And It Shall Be Done To You

Sermon From 24th Sunday After Pentecost 2013 Father Violette✟ We must first love God, then our neighbor, and then love ourselves according to God’s Will.  The three theological virtues are freely given, not earned.  When we reach heaven, faith and hope will no longer be needed, only charity will remain.  We practice charity, which is…

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Love Never Fails

Sermon From All Souls Day 2013 This beautiful Mass for the Holy Souls in Purgatory has its own sequence entitled “Dies Irae” which means the Day of Wrath.  It is a warning to the living of the judgments of God but ends with hope of happiness in heaven.  Today is proof that the debt for…

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The King and His Saints

Sermon From The Feast Of Christ the King 2013 On this feast of Christ the King we recall Quas Primas, the encyclical letter of Pope Pius XI, which explains this teaching on Our Lord’s social kingdom and the reasons for instituting this feast.  Later this week we have the holyday of obligation known as All…

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A Gift For The Unworthy

Sermon From The 20th Sunday after Pentecost 2013 We must thank God for the invaluable gift of the Holy Catholic Faith.  We are not worthy of this gift.  The smallest increase of Faith is a greater gift than the possession of the whole world.  Reason cannot find Faith, it is a gift directly from God. …

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St. Francis & St. Thérèse

Conference On First Friday October 2013 St. Francis is greatly misunderstood in our day but was, in fact, a true son of the Church.  By his words and example, he made innumerable converts.  The Gospel for the Mass of his feast day emphasizes his charity.  He was an utterly selfless man.  The Little Flower, St.…

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Surprising Apostle

Sermon From 18th Sunday After Pentecost 2013 This sermon tells the story of Saint Matthew who was unique and unlike any of the other disciples chosen by Our Lord.  However, this sermon includes multiple talks including loyalty and friendship with the example of the friends to the man who was lowered down to Christ in…

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Doctrine of Grace

Sermon From 16th Sunday After Pentecost 2013 The Collect for this Mass is short but important because it is praying for grace.  What is grace?  How does it work?  Why does God continue to give us grace?  All these questions and more are answered and explained in this veritable tract on Grace which includes actual,…

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