Liturgy And Salvation

4th Sunday After Pentecost 2021 The season after Pentecost is the time for making saints because by grace the kingdom of God is within you through the indwelling of the Holy Trinity.  The liturgy is best expressed in the Holy Mass and then through the Divine Office.  The Holy Rosary is next in importance as…

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Start Living Heaven Now

Trinity Sunday 2021 God has endowed us with an intellect that enables us to see the world around us and reason to its Creator.  However, we could never know about the inner life of the Blessed Trinity except that He revealed this to us by His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Before the Annunciation we…

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Pentecost Law and Language

Pentecost Sunday 2021 This feast is known as Red Easter because catechumens are baptized now who were unable to do so earlier.  The Blessed Mother and the Apostles were in Jerusalem awaiting the coming of the Holy Ghost because Our Lord commanded that.  The Jews from places near and far were there to celebrate the…

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Pillars Of The Apostolate

Sunday After The Ascension 2021 This Mass joins the glory of the Ascension with the anticipation of the coming of the Holy Ghost on Pentecost.  The pillars of the apostolate which began on the birthday of the Church are prayer, humility and charity.  With Our Lady and the apostles we must learn to pray during…

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Ticket To Heaven

Ascension Thursday 2021 The dogma of the Faith that teaches that Our Lord ascended into heaven today was revealed to the apostles by the two angels as described in St. Luke’s Acts of the Apostles.  On their return to Jerusalem they remained there as instructed to await the coming of the Holy Ghost.  They gathered…

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Queen of Angels And Men

Conference On First Friday, May 2021 – Feast Of St. Stanislaus St. Stanislaus is the patron saint of Poland and an example of a bishop who gives his life to protect his flock.  The month of May is dedicated to Our Lady’s queenship and ends with Her feast day.  Pope Pius XII instituted the feast…

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Guardians Of The Liturgy

Easter Sunday 2021 We gather at the stational Church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary because she was the first to see her Risen Son Who truly died and rose again.  At this Mass we join with those from last night’s vigil in renewing our baptismal promises and the renouncing of Satan and all his…

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Easter Vigil Baptisms

Easter Vigil 2021 During this Vigil in anticipation of Our Lord’s Resurrection at midnight we begin outside in the darkness by lighting the Paschal Fire.  Then we carry the Light of the World in through His Candle which is praised in the exquisite praeconium called the Exsultet.  Prophetic readings and the Litany of the Saints…

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Father Of God

Feast Of St. Joseph 2021 The Incarnation and the Redemption depend also on the head of the Holy Family, St. Joseph, who was the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the father, although not the biological father, of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Without St. Joseph our salvation would not have been accomplished. …

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Consolation of the Transfiguration

2nd Sunday In Lent 2021 Our Lord took the three apostles who would soon be tested during His agony in the garden and showed them a glimpse of His divinity during the theophany on Mt. Tabor so they would be strengthened by the remembrance of it at that crucial time.  We too are consoled by…

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