Niceness vs. Sanctity

Conference On The 1st Friday June 2014, St. Norbert Melchisedech was a priest, prophet and king so his life is a perfect foreshadowing of Christ.  The only record in the Old Testament of a sacrifice of bread and wine was offered by him.  St. Norbert lived a sinful life far from God but miraculously converted. …

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The Sole Means of Salvation

Sermon On Holy Thursday 2014 This day we celebrate the institution of the Mass, the Holy Eucharist, and the Priesthood – the only vocation created directly by God.  The saints tell us that it would be easier for us to exist without the Sun than without the Mass.  Our presence at the Mass shows God’s…

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The Angelic Doctor

Conference About St. Thomas Aquinas 1st Friday, March 2014 St. Thomas Aquinas belies the statement of atheists who claim that all religious people are ignorant.  Although St. Thomas offered astounding insights in philosophy, it was his prayer that helped him penetrate truth so profoundly.  His method for explaining the doctrines of the Faith has been…

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Penitential Mercy

Conference On Ash Wednesday 2014 Although many outside the Faith look askance at the penances Catholics perform, they are unable to explain the meaning of Christ’s words, “unless you do penance you will perish.”  We have great attachments to our vices, and it is only through grace and penance that we can learn truly to hate…

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Love Never Fails

Sermon From All Souls Day 2013 This beautiful Mass for the Holy Souls in Purgatory has its own sequence entitled “Dies Irae” which means the Day of Wrath.  It is a warning to the living of the judgments of God but ends with hope of happiness in heaven.  Today is proof that the debt for…

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St. Francis & St. Thérèse

Conference On First Friday October 2013 St. Francis is greatly misunderstood in our day but was, in fact, a true son of the Church.  By his words and example, he made innumerable converts.  The Gospel for the Mass of his feast day emphasizes his charity.  He was an utterly selfless man.  The Little Flower, St.…

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Surprising Apostle

Sermon From 18th Sunday After Pentecost 2013 This sermon tells the story of Saint Matthew who was unique and unlike any of the other disciples chosen by Our Lord.  However, this sermon includes multiple talks including loyalty and friendship with the example of the friends to the man who was lowered down to Christ in…

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Our Lady’s Sovereignty

Sermon From 14th Sunday after Pentecost 2013 The time between the Assumption and the feast of the Seven Sorrows is considered Our Lady’s thirty days.  The Mass texts of these feasts and that of the Immaculate Heart show her quality as Co-Redemptrix.  This adds fervor to the devotion we already have to our heavenly Queen…

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Much Is Forgiven Those Who Love

Sermon From The 9th Sunday After Pentecost 2013 – 10am Mass Tomorrow is the feast of the great penitent, St. Mary Magdalen.  Early in life she fell into sin which made her like Satan.  However, Our Lord’s love frees us from sin.  Some, like the Pharisees, rejected His love.  Even mortal sins can be forgiven…

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Joy Amidst Suffering

Conference On Purgatory 1st Friday November 2012 The Holy Souls in Purgatory experience eviternity, or what is called discontinuous time, which is that time which measures the change in a soul.  God lives in a reality independent of time, and one might say that the souls in Purgatory live in a reality between time and…

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