
He Bought The World

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Precious Blood 2023
This feast is the liturgical completion of Good Friday, the day when the Precious Blood was poured out for our salvation.  In these days when our holy Faith is in danger and under attack, we recall the great heritage of martyrs who shed their blood in imitation of Christ.  At the true Mass we have no doubt what takes place at the Consecration.  Christ’s death continues to the end of time and we are invited to be part of it.  If not for the Precious Blood no sins would be forgiven.

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The Perfect Image Of Christ

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Feast of Saints Peter & Paul 2023
This day, although it celebrates both apostles, is centered on St. Peter as the first Vicar of Christ on Earth.  God began to form the character of St. Peter from the moment of his birth because the Church was to be built on this man.  The reason He chose St. Peter above all the other Apostles was because he loved Our Lord more than the rest.  The prayers of the faithful saved their first pope so we must pray as if the outcome of the current crisis depends on us.

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One Redeemer, One Priesthood

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Low Sunday 2023
50th Priestly Anniversary of Fr. Ward
We are here first to love and honor God, because this day is dedicated to thanking Him.  We thank God for sending us a holy priest, for the Church, and for her truth.  What better day to speak about the priesthood than the day on which we were given the sacrament of Penance.  The words of Our Lord, “you shall be holy because I am holy,” were said to everyone, but first of all to His priests.  It was Christ who said, “To you it is given to know the mysteries of God.”  Priests are privileged to share in the royal lineage as Christ Himself.

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Loving God Through Neighbor

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3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2023
Before we make our offering at the altar we must first reconcile with our neighbor, and we also have an obligation to thank God and our neighbor for the gifts we have been given.  All the miracles of Our Lord recounted during this season after Epiphany teach us Christ’s motivation.  He performed them to confirm the words that He taught.  From the humility of Christ, we learn spiritual childhood and our dependence on God.  Let us pray for both the conversion of our neighbor and the conversion of ourselves.

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Taste And See His Sweetness

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8th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
”Taste and see how sweet the Lord is”  These words are from the earliest Communion psalm, which was a favorite among the early Christians.  We celebrate the feast of the Holy Maccabees, the only Old Testaments saints celebrated in the liturgy, and their story reminds us of our need for fortitude during suffering, to stand against persecution, and to be true to our principals.  Our Rosary and spiritual reading are more powerful against the world than carrying signs of protest.

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United Against Our Enemy

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5th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
We are sensitive to offenses against us, but what are we like to our neighbor?  Our love for God can be measured by our fraternity.  Catholics must be more united than ever before.  We must stand unified against the onslaught of vices and perversions of all kinds that the world sends to us.  This is especially necessary in the education of our youth.  Do not think for a moment that the fight is over and we are victorious, because our true battle is not merely against flesh and blood.


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Have We Progressed?

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Quinquagesima Sunday 2016
This Epistle is beloved among all Christians because of its beautiful explanation of charity.  We can see from St. Paul’s words how far-removed true charity is from the false notions held today.  In our days, great emphasis is placed on giving aid to the poor, which is a truly important work of mercy, but we are seldom reminded that if these works are not done with love of God for His own sake, and love of neighbor for God’s sake, they will profit us nothing.  As we approach the season of Lent, we must ask ourselves if we have improved in our spiritual life over the last year.  If we have not, then we have great work ahead of us.  However, we are not alone.  Our Lord and His Mother stand by our side to lift us up.

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Become a Catechumen Again

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Septuagesima Sunday 2016
This Sunday marks the beginning of a new season in the liturgical year.  The liturgy is the official prayer of Christ through the Church, and our union with Christ in his prayer makes our prayers efficacious.  This is the season for us to prepare for Lent by reminding us why we must do penance.  In the beginning God created something good, but Adam fell and introduced sin into the world.  We live with the consequences of original sin every day.  We spend a lifetime trying to eliminate the selfishness with which we are all born.  We become keenly aware of our sins now, so we may fight them better during Lent.  We must continue to learn about our Faith as the catechumens and find out what attachments are holding us back from God.  Let us all embark on this retreat together.

Septuagesima Sunday 2016

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What Really Matters

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After brief account of St. Peter Chrysologus the Gospel about the salt of the earth was explained.  The epistle about St. Paul teaching his disciple, St. Timothy, about work as a bishop. Finally, understanding “to love is to give” and do we really care? By this we can evaluate how much we love and give.

Sermon #20151204
Liturgical day: First Friday – St. Peter Chrysologus
Length: 64 minutes

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The Remains of Sin

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All Souls Day 2015

Very few in our day remember the souls of the departed because of the false belief in the universal salvation of all men.  In assisting the suffering souls in Purgatory, we gain friends who will intercede for us.  We must never waste the time we have been given, because the way we choose to spend our moments on earth will make the difference between an eternity in Heaven or Hell.  Many souls can be released on this day, especially through the intercession of the Virgin Mary.  All our sins have a debt of punishment attached to them.  If we pray our penance well, we could remit our entire debt of temporal punishment, but if we die with these dispositions of soul, we would rather throw ourselves into the punishments of Purgatory than remain in the presence of the infinitely perfect God.

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