Quinquagesima Sunday 2018
This season is almost over and our training for Lent should be completed. Abraham is emphasized during these days because of his fidelity to God when so many others were not. He was willing to sacrifice his own son, Isaac, who was a willing victim as Christ would be in the future. Today strengthens our faith and spurs us on to love God better.
At the vigil Mass the joy of Christmas is already felt and this happy way that we receive the Infant King reassures us that His second coming will not be a harsh one for us. On this last day of Advent St. Joseph is brought before us as the worthy descendant of David who will protect the Blessed Mother from scandal, hardship and from the devil. Our receiving this “Bread from Heaven” will ease our burdens in this life.
After a brief instruction about liturgical and sacred art this sermon tells about the importance of the sacramental of ashes. Stations of the Cross is a Lenten practice beloved by the faithful because our Blessed Mother began the devotion. Catholics must imitate the way of the Cross so they may be joined to Our Lord on it. Finally, the temptations of Christ are explained.
The stational churches in Lent are important and the term has its origin in the Roman legion. Today’s stational church has been matched with the texts of this Mass to teach us the importance of one of the three main Lenten penances: almsgiving. This practice is ancient but misunderstood as to its nature, its proper motivation and correct manner of exercise.
Our sins have caused the death of God on the cross and from the Sacred Heart comes the means of repairing this. Ash Wednesday is the call to conversion and the ashes we receive remind us of our own death and that this may be our last opportunity to change. Pope Pius X said Ignorance is the greatest of our time for Catholics so study of the Faith during Lent is an important penance.
Ash Wednesday begins the forty days of Lenten practice. Penance is the virtue which motivates the faithful to receive the same named sacrament and do the works of that virtue, namely prayer, fasting & almsgiving. The sacramental of the ashes gives the strength to do this.  Also in this sermon, we are given suggested ways of practicing Lenten penances.
Ash Wednesday 2015 Not one word is said about punishment or damnation in the readings for this Mass, and that should give a hint to Catholics about the true spirit of this season. There is no such thing as a private sin. Not only are all our sins known to the heavenly court, but the whole universe is affected by them. In the early years of the Church, public penitents were driven out of the churches, just as Adam was driven from Paradise after his sin. This is a time of holiness, mercy, hope, and pardon, not condemnation and gloom. We must begin Lent as we should examine our conscience, by looking at Our Lord and comparing ourselves with Him. During Lent Christ pleads with us not to leave Him alone, so we may be united with Him forever. #20150218
Sermon From 15th Sunday After Pentecost 2014 This week we have the Ember days which are of apostolic origin and beneficial to our spiritual life. The season of Pentecost inspires us with confidence of being saved one day if we persevere in praying always so God will hear us. The Gospel account shows the unspoken cry of the Widow of Naim moving Jesus to restore her son to life. Our Holy Mother the Church is also in constant prayer for her children which moves the Divine Spouse to save us from the spiritual death of sin. This continual prayer in the Church is through the liturgy and the Divine Office. St. Augustine’s commentary for today is heartfelt as he recalls his own widow mother’s prayers that saved him from hell. We think of our Mother of Sorrows who does the same for us. #20140921M
Sermon On Holy Thursday 2014 This day we celebrate the institution of the Mass, the Holy Eucharist, and the Priesthood – the only vocation created directly by God. The saints tell us that it would be easier for us to exist without the Sun than without the Mass. Our presence at the Mass shows God’s love for us, because He gives us the grace to come, and it allows us to show our love, fidelity, and loyalty to Him. God has promised a great reward to those who stand with Him, and we know that it is only through the Mass that we will receive that reward. Let us make reparation and proclaim our loyalty through the Sacrifice of the Altar. #20140417
Sermon From The 2nd Sunday of Lent 2014 At the Transfiguration, Christ took three apostles that represent three virtues. St. Peter represents duty, St. James represents knowledge, and St. John represents love. It was as if Christ relaxed and allowed His Divinity to shine through His human nature. This was shown to the apostles and to us to save us from discouragement in suffering. We see the glory that is in store. It is an insight into Heaven. We should not be fooled by the world and its false promises but always remember that in our Communions we received the Source of all good. #20140316
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Servants of the Holy Family, a Catholic religious community in Colorado Springs was founded on the Feast of the Holy Family in 1977 and is placed under the patronage of the Sacred Persons of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Read more