What Miracles Teach

Sermon From The
11th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
✟Father Violette
Our Lord shows great mercy to us because He knows man’s nature so well.  God has given us great gifts of grace but because they remain invisible to us, He performed miracles to show what is taking place in souls.  God’s grace returns life to our souls just as Christ raised Lazarus from the dead.  When we have the Gospel preached to us, we must not twist it to suit our opinions.  We can only be perfect as our heavenly Father when we, as sons of God, cooperate with God’s Grace.

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Public Worship

Sermon From
8th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
This week has the beautiful feasts of St. Dominic, Our Lady of the Snows, the Transfiguration and St. John Vianney.  Man by nature has the need to be religious and bind himself to that which is greater, namely God the Creator.  For Catholics this is enhanced as we are bound to God our Father.  For these reasons, and because of God’s own commandment, we must worship Him publicly and should not permit anything to prevent us from attending Mass on Sundays and Holydays of obligation.  Real men sacrifice all for family, and are willing to do the same for Almighty God.  St. Augustine said it famously, “Lord, you have made us for Yourself and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.”

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The Hallmark Of Christians

Sermon On The
5th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
✟Father Violette
Our Savior, in taking a human nature, knows by experience the hearts of men.  The Old Law was imperfect because it was given to an imperfect people but God was eager to give the fulfillment of that Law in a new and perfect Law.  The main difference between the Old and New Covenant is the spirit of inclusion in the latter, through fraternal charity.  This charity comes from God Himself.  We must do good to those who persecute us and leave vengeance to God alone.

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Our Mediator To God

Sermon From
The Feast Of Saints Peter & Paul 2014
The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church because Christ protects it and has built it on the rock of St. Peter.  We know much about St. Peter from the Gospels and about St. Paul from the Acts and the Epistles.  They mirrored Christ.  St. Peter is highlighted by his conversion which drew Our Lord to his humility and sincerity.  St. Peter as Vicar of Christ on earth is the the means of our relationship with God.  Saints Peter and Paul are models of the priesthood and religious life.  Vocations should be inspired by this feast to follow their example.  St. Ignatius says that we should presume to be a priest unless told by competent guides that it is not for us.  All are called to the priesthood and/or religious life.

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Giver Of Life

Sermon On
Pentecost Sunday 2014
The Father is the Unbegotten, the Son is the Only-begotten, and the Holy Ghost is the unifying and personal Love which unites both the Father and the Son.  The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Unction, the Finger of the Right Hand of God, and the Giver of Life.  Today is the birthday of the Church and we see all of Christianity spring from the graces the Holy Ghost gives to the Church.  There is one Faith and there is one Lord.

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Sacrifice Is Christian

Sermon From The
5th Sunday after Easter 2014
✟Father Violette
Just as the Church converted the pagan temple of the Pantheon into a Catholic church, she frequently takes what is pagan or secular and “baptizes” it into something Christian.  We could see something similar in the secular holiday of Memorial Day because a soldier’s sacrifice is at its core something Christian.  Knowing the Faith is not enough for us.  We know from St. James that Faith without works is dead, so we should strive to practice virtue, especially when it is difficult.


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The Victory of Our Faith

Sermon From
Low Sunday 2014
Our Lord has truly risen, and we are here to celebrate that event.  “This is the victory that overcomes the world – our faith.”  This is the victory that leads us to Heaven.  The Blessed Mother was the first person that Our Lord visited after His Resurrection.  We know this not because the Bible mentions it directly but because it tells us by omission.  She was not among the women visiting the tomb, because she already knew her Son had risen. We are small and insignificant, but because of the faith we will be victorious.

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The Angelic Doctor

Conference About St. Thomas Aquinas
1st Friday, March 2014
St. Thomas Aquinas belies the statement of atheists who claim that all religious people are ignorant.  Although St. Thomas offered astounding insights in philosophy, it was his prayer that helped him penetrate truth so profoundly.  His method for explaining the doctrines of the Faith has been admired even by the enemies of the Church.  The liturgy of Corpus Christi, which was written and compiled by him, is considered one of the most beautiful of the entire liturgical year.

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Humility Makes Us Happy

Sermon From The
24th Sunday after Pentecost 2013
A Catholic should never be sad, despite his troubles.  We see the example of the Little Flower, who died a painful death, at the age of twenty-four, yet she died laughing.  It is pride that makes us sad, and humility which makes us happy.  The Epistle tells us to forgive friends and enemies alike.  We forgive and ask for forgiveness.  Comparing our lives to those of our neighbor will impede our progress, while comparing them to the lives of the saints will make us saints.  Prayer, rather than argument, is the most effective way of converting our neighbor.

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Believe And It Shall Be Done To You

Sermon From
24th Sunday After Pentecost 2013
Father Violette✟
We must first love God, then our neighbor, and then love ourselves according to God’s Will.  The three theological virtues are freely given, not earned.  When we reach heaven, faith and hope will no longer be needed, only charity will remain.  We practice charity, which is true love for neighbor, even when we do not like him – even when he attacks us.  Just as Our Lord saved the Apostles who were in danger on the stormy sea, we should never feel as if we are doomed.  We must tell God how deeply we believe and ask Him to increase our belief.

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