How Often Do We Thank Him?

5th Sunday After Epiphany 2019
On this Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany St. Paul reminds us that charity is the bond of perfection.  Our Lord gave us the example of forgiving sinners as an expression of our love.  We can imitate that towards our neighbor, especially the ones who might annoy us.  God will help us practice this and the other virtues.  Sin is the only thing that belongs to us alone.  We must beware of the fires of hell as a punishment for lack of love.

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Ordinary Means of Holiness

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2019
The Introit and some of the Mass propers for the Third Sunday after the Epiphany will be repeated on the next two Sundays.  They renew the joy of the Incarnation and show forth the divinity of Our Lord.  These are reminders of the essential quality of the liturgy in sanctifying our lives.   The Gospel in particular manifests Christ’s divine power, first to the Jews in the person of the leper and then to the Gentiles in the person of the centurion’s servant.  St. Paul’s epistle stresses charity as the hallmark of Christians.

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Follow Your Star

Feast Of The Epiphany 2019
The feast of the Epiphany is the manifestation of God made Man and seen in the Holy Infant by the Magi. The Magi were Gentile wise men who were familiar with Hebrew prophecies & recognized in a miraculous star the fulfillment of them in the coming of the Messiah. They had the generosity to follow the star to Bethlehem & be the first non-Jews to see and to adore Jesus Christ.  Each of us is called to follow our own star of attraction which will lead us to Our Lord if we, also, are generous. It is never too late to follow your star.

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Be Thou Made Clean

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2018

This is the Third Sunday after the Epiphany and the theme of the season is still proclaimed: undying faith in the Son of God becoming Man.  St. Paul, whose feast this week celebrates his conversion, reminds us in the Epistle to be, as much as possible, at peace with all men.  In the Gospel Our Lord performs a miracle in curing the leper and then another miracle for the servant of the centurion.  This account again emphasizes the showing of His Divinity through His Humanity to the Jews in the leper and to the Gentiles in the servant of the pagan centurion.  We should take up the prayer of the soldier, especially at Holy Communion, and ask that our souls may be healed.  Then we can hear those beautiful words to the leper that made him clean of that terrible disease.

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Yes, We Believe In You, Lord

2nd Sunday after Epiphany

The time after the Epiphany is a transition from celebrating the Incarnation to beginning to move towards the Redemptive aspect of the liturgical year.  The awareness of God becoming Man is made clear by His manifestation to the Magi, the theophany at the Baptism of Christ and the working of His first miracle during the wedding feast at Cana.  All these elements are contained in the Mass of this Second Sunday after Epiphany and they call on us to respond as the first apostles did when they saw and believed.


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Epiphany Conference

The Nativity is feast of Light.  The three-fold manifestation of this is seen in the Magi on the Epiphany, the theophany at Our Lord’s Baptism and the miracle at the wedding feast of Cana.  Baptism is the official consecration of Christ as priest (although priest from Annunciation).  Cana teaches about transubstantiation and the role of the Blessed Mother and prayer.  Christ identifies Himself as our spouse and we are united in Holy Communion.


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Combating Evil

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2015
In today’s Epistle St. Paul is telling the Christians of Rome to be at peace as much as possible with all men.  We must make an answer to God for all we do, even our idle words.  We make converts by the good example we give as Catholics.  During His public life, Christ desired to show that He was the Son of God and the only means of salvation.  The enemies of Christ, because of their jealousy, criticized Christ for the miracles He worked.  We must battle the evil of the world and within ourselves.

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The Best For Last

2nd Sunday after Epiphany 2015
We are instructed today to use our gifts and talents with care, intention, and love of God.  We must use the Faith and Tradition to guide our interpretation of Holy Scripture.  Without the Faith we remain confused and are easily misled.  Prayer keeps our mind on Heaven and prevents us from wishing evil on our enemy.  The miracle of the marriage feast of Cana looks forward to our Redemption.  We cannot fathom what God is truly like, but God has made Himself present in His Word, and His Word is present in all of us.  God has loved us for eternity, how much must He want us to return that love?

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Prayer of the Magi

Conference On
1st Friday February 2014
We continue to learn about the mystery of God’s providence during this period of the liturgical year.  Just as the life of the Magi destined them to follow the Star of Bethlehem, God humbles Himself in revealing his plans to us according to our own lives.  We partake in the prayer of the Magi in our mental, vocal, and liturgical prayers, and only through these prayers may we one day prostrate ourselves at the feet of our Savior.

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The Irony of God

Sermon From The
3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2014
The conversion of St. Paul was the single most important moment in the spread of the Church.  St. Stephen’s prayer, as he was stoned to death, called down on Saul the grace of his conversion.  This conversion in St. Paul meant a real change, unlike the half measures so many of us take in attempting to amend our lives.  When we say in the Act of Contrition that we “detest all our sins” this should leave no room to sin again.  We must give up the love for our sins, faults, and vices, and truly strive for the conversion of our lives.

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