Pray The Catholic Way

5th Sunday After Easter 2019
As we approach the end of Easter season and the extinguishing of the Paschal candle we should remember the importance of lighting votive candles.  We should heed the practical advice of St. James in his epistle today when he tells us to put our faith into action.  We must not become like worldlings who treat God with indifference and we should pray always and today, Memorial day, for those defenders of our country.

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Christ’s Love Is Causative

Conference On The 4th Sunday After Easter 2019
In this talk after Mass we learn about the qualities of glorified bodies.  Our Lord exhibited these after rising from the dead and they are: subtlety, agility, clarity, impassibility and immortality.  We will also possess them one day in heaven with Christ if we imitate His life and death.  When Jesus shows us His Cross in the end and says that this is how much He loved us then we will answer that we loved Him enough to carry our own crosses as well with His help.

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Hearts Burning When He Spoke

3rd Sunday after Easter 2019
Pray for your mothers on Mother’s day, especially if they are deceased.  Remember our heavenly Mother as well.  We still are rejoicing over the Resurrection and the Alleluia verse reminds us of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus who felt their hearts burning with love as the Risen Lord explained the scriptures to them.  This is a perfect definition of mental prayer which we all should practice to help us live our lives as Christ wants.

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Thank God For Gift Of Faith

Low Sunday 2019
The Epistle draws the comparison between the Persons of the Blessed Trinity and the witnesses left for us in the world: The Spirit, the water and the blood.  The Gospel about doubting Thomas reminds us that we owe much more to St. Thomas for our Faith than to St. John who believed in the Resurrection so quickly.  As we enter the chapel we should leave all worldly concerns behind and be grateful for the Faith that God has died to give us.

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History Of The Resurrection

Easter Sunday 2019
The details given in the Gospels about Our Lord’s rising from the dead provide the compelling evidence for our faith in the Resurrection.  Christ first came to visit His own Mother and spent time with her until His appearances around the sepulchre.  Later in the afternoon He walked with the two disciples to Emmaus and ended the day by seeing the apostles in the upper room.  We must rejoice with them over our King’s Victory.  There are some in the world who think they can conquer Our Savior.  These have been deceived by the devil.

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Saviors Of The World

Easter Vigil 2019
God created on the first day of the week at midnight, He was born at midnight and we keep vigil now waiting for His rising at midnight.  All the infinite merits of Christ’s Passion and Death were won on the Cross but only applied to us when He rose from the dead and now distributes these treasures through the Liturgy.  This vigil has us renew our baptismal vows and witness a Baptism.  All this prepares us for the Easter Mass when we offer our sacrifice with Christ and unite with Him in Holy Communion, the foretaste of heavenly glory.

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My Flesh Has Been Renewed

11th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The feasts for this week give cause for us to thank God and take strength in upholding the faith. This Mass for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost recalls Our Lord’s Resurrection and the Easter sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist. St. Paul lists all the witnesses to Christ’s Risen Body and the Gospel relates the story of the healing of the deaf and dumb man. The exact gestures and words of Jesus are repeated during the ceremonies for Baptism. All this leads to union with Our Lord in Holy Communion.



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I Know Mine And Mine Know Me

Good Shepherd Sunday 2018
The Church continues to celebrate the Resurrection in the Mass texts for this second Sunday after Easter known as Good Shepherd Sunday.  The Epistle and Gospel highlight the beautiful aspect of Christ as the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls.  Psalm 22 expresses so well His care and love. The prophet Ezechiel prophesied that Our Lord, Himself, will shepherd His sheep.  These are consoling thoughts for all who follow our true Shepherd.


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Feast Of Feasts

Easter Sunday 2018
The Resurrection is the miraculous proof of everything Our Lord said and did.  Easter then is the greatest solemnity in the liturgical year.  We must purge out the old leaven of sin and celebrate with the new leaven of holiness and truth.  Our patrons for this are the Blessed Mother whom the Risen Christ visited first and that penitent who loved much, St. Mary Magdalen. Together they will help us to make sure our Lenten training bears fruit this Paschal season and on the road to heaven.


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Christ Was Not A Grudge-Holder

St. Pius V – 1st Friday April 2017

Christ’s first words to His Apostles on Easter night were Peace be to you.  By this He re-assured them that He had forgiven them for abandoning Him during His Passion and Death.  We must imitate Our Lord and not hold grudges.  Also, the Introit for the feast of St. Pius V begins “If you love Me, Simon Peter, feed My sheep”.  These words were spoken by Our Lord after Easter and we learn their exegesis and how they fit the life of this great pope.


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