Sacrament Of The Mystery

Corpus Christi 2019
The origin of this feast is based on apparitions of Our Lord to St. Juliana of Belgium wherein He requested it to honor this Most Blessed Sacrament and make reparation for irreverences towards It.  St. Thomas Aquinas composed the beautiful texts for the Mass.  The feast predated and provided the bulwark against the heresies that were to come in later centuries. We are to become saints through devotion to the Holy Eucharist.

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Communion From Our Shepherd

Good Shepherd Sunday – First Communion Sunday 2019
Today is the first time we have had Good Shepherd Sunday also as our First Communion Sunday.  What a special day it is for all of us!  We recall the greatest day of our lives when we received Our Lord for the first time in Holy Communion.  Christ, the Good Shepherd, leads His sheep in the Faith, takes care of them by the sacraments and feeds them with His own Body and Blood.  We thank Him for His divine love.

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Pledge Your Loyalty

Holy Thursday 2019

St. Paul reminds us in the Epistle not to receive the Body of Christ unworthily.  It is a betrayal and a lie to use a sign of love as one of hatred the way Judas did with his kiss.  The Church interrupts her time of penance and sorrow to express her joy over the gifts of the Holy Eucharist, the Mass and sacred priesthood.  Christ thought these important enough to shed His Blood to give them to us.  We must love these precious treasures as much as possible and renew our love and dedication to them.

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Remember The Bells Of Joy

Holy Thursday 2018
The bells of thanksgiving and joy are rung during the Gloria of this Mass which celebrates the birthday of the priesthood, the Mass, the Holy Eucharist and the Sacred Liturgy.  These gifts of love from the Sacred Heart of Jesus must be appreciated as the heavenly treasure and the pearl of great price.  We renew our oath of allegiance to promote, to defend and never to compromise what Our Lord gave us this night before He died.


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I Shall Reign Despite My Enemies

3rd Sunday after Pentecost 2017

There is a social dimension concerning devotion to the Sacred Heart which comes from Our Lord’s petition to King Louis XIV through St. Margaret Mary that he place the image of Christ’s Heart on his personal royal banner.  This sermon also explains the pursuing love of Our Savior through His mercy as described in the parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and Prodigal Son.


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Connecting Two Great Feasts

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2016

In this sermon we learn that this Sunday serves as a bridge between two important Feasts – Corpus Christi and Our Lord’s Sacred Heart.  The parable in today’s gospel of the master’s invitation to his supper is used to admonish those people who will come up with any excuse to avoid attending certain feasts of Our Lord and Master.  Are we guilty of using excuses or do we take the opportunity to attend all the Sacred Feasts to give thanksgiving to God for all that He has given us? 



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Our Daily Bread

The Feast Of Corpus Christi 2016

This important sermon by Fr. Superior includes many beautiful and valuable thoughts and it really should be listened to by all who value their Faith.  It begins by exploding the myths regarding the Eucharist that are held by some including, most regrettably, Catholics.  The Eucharist is not merely a symbol or memorial but a reenactment, a reliving on the Altar of Christ’s sacrifice and death on the cross.  It is the foundation of all that has been done in Christendom – all the beauty, all the edifices, churches, schools and especially the work of the clergy and hierarchy to sustain and grow the true Faith throughout the world.  It is why the Servants of the Holy Family take such care of the Altar and vestments used in the Mass.  We are also admonished that we too must preserve and defend this great gift that is given to us – most especially in these times when the Feast of Corpus Christi is so often ignored, despite the clear words of Christ to Blessed Juliana that it be established and honored throughout His Holy Church.

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The Food of Christian Souls

The Feast of Corpus Christi 2015
There have been innumerable Eucharistic miracles throughout the history of the Church.  In this greatest of all the sacraments, Our Lord is contained, offered, and received.  The priest speaks in the person of Christ when he says, “This is My Body.”  After transubstantiation takes place, the priest holds in his hand the Author of Creation.  We should look at the Host at the elevation and adore our God.  Christ desired to come in the manner of food because He wished to be united with us in such a way that it is as if we are essentially one.  Although Christ is alive, He comes to us in the state of death.  Sacramentally there is renewed Christ’s sacrifice in the Holy Eucharist, so our sufferings may be identified with His.

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God’s Secret

Trinity Sunday 2015
There are two days in the liturgical year on which the establishment of a feast day has been requested by Heaven directly, one of which being the feast of Corpus Christi.  We should know the details of the establishment of this feast, which was meant to combat the future attacks against the Holy Eucharist.

Our Lord commanded that all nations be converted and baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity.  Every Mass begins with the invocation of the Holy Trinity in the Sign of the Cross.  There are numerous symbols in the Church which express the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.  The Kyrie and the Gloria of the Mass proclaim and praise the Triune God

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Definition Of Priestly Life

Sermon From The Feast Of
Corpus Christi 2014
The priesthood was established with Christ’s words, “do this in memory of Me.”  The entire purpose of the priesthood is for the worship of God, through the Holy Eucharist.  This great gift of the Blessed Sacrament is envied by many who are outside the Church.  Catholics stand up in defense of the Eucharist because we know it is the true presence of God, and not simply symbolic.  It is a living memorial of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.  We do not believe in the trans-signification of the modernists, but the dogma of transubstantiation.

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