Sacrament of Sacraments

Feast Of Corpus Christi 2021
The Holy Eucharist is the greatest of the sacraments because It not only gives us grace but is the Author of grace Himself.  It is the beginning and goal of the Christian life.  Catholics do not appreciate this as much as the enemies of the Church do.  They attack the Holy Eucharist as seen in the case of Martin Luther and those who followed him.  A primary tactic of theirs in destroying the faith of the people was communion in the hand.  A recent survey showed that 70% of Catholics do not believe Our Lord is present in the Holy Eucharist but that It is only bread.  In reality, this sacrament was the source of the conversion of the world and the power behind all missionaries.  The Holy Eucharist accompanies us during life and through Viaticum leads us to eternal life.

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Jesus Loves You

4th Sunday after Easter 2021 – First Holy Communion Sunday
This week we have the feasts of St. Monica, whose prayers and tears were necessary to convert her son, and St. Pius V, whose papal initiatives preserved our traditional Latin Mass and saved Christendom at the battle of Lepanto.  Congratulations to our first communicants who will receive at this Mass.  This is a great day for our Savior Who wanted this communion from all eternity. There is no greater love than Our Lord’s because He surrendered His life on the cross so to be able to come in communion today.  Christ asks you to give Him your hearts.  You have the model of a eucharistic saint in the boy who received holy communion from the angels while tending his flock far from church.

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Crave The Eucharist

Holy Thursday 2021

St. Paul warns us in the Epistle not to abuse Our Lord by receiving Him sacrilegiously in Holy Communion.  This is especially so because the Holy Eucharist is the greatest gift God has given us and the sign of His love for us.  To betray this love is like the kiss of Judas.  The Mandatum is part of the ceremony and this is Christ’s commandment of love which He taught the apostles by His own example.  In giving us Himself in the Holy Eucharist Our Lord asks us to love Him in return.  We have many heroic ancestors to follow who inspire us when we experience our own difficulties in returning love for love.  Eucharistic miracles are God’s frequent way of proving the truth of the Faith and with all these aids we should not be discouraged.


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Foretaste Of The Holy Mass

Laetare Sunday – 4th Sunday In Lent 2021
The Gospel today tells about the multiplication of the loaves and fishes by Our Lord about a year before His Passion and Death.  This miracle was a preparation for the first Mass and the institution of the Holy Eucharist on Holy Thursday.  The happiness that we receive from the Blessed Sacrament is what gives joy to this Sunday in the middle of Lent and is expressed in the liturgy by the beautiful rose color of the vestments today.  In addition, a golden rose was customarily blessed on this day, used to decorate the altar and then given to a Catholic monarch who assisted at the Mass.  The sacredness of the Holy Eucharist  demands reverence in its administration as St. Thomas Aquinas said centuries ago.

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Keep The First Fervor

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost 2020
After hearing about Saints John Gualbert, Veronica, Bonaventure, Henry, the Carmelite Sisters of Compiegne and Camillus we had a renewal of the Paschal sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist in the Epistle and Gospel.  The Divine Office recounts the story of King David and how his sloth led to sins of adultery and murder.  His meekness saved him when his crimes were exposed by the prophet Nathan.  We should imitate his repentance and reject the devil and all his works.  Receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion faithfully will lead us to union and heaven one day.

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The Triumph Of His Blood

Feast Of The Precious Blood 2020
This feast marks a victory and stands in thanksgiving for it.  Pope Pius IX was exiled from Rome in 1848 by an army of the enemies of the Church.  He promised to honor the Precious Blood of Christ after God would restore him to Rome and that happened on the last days of June in 1849.  So, the pope fulfilled his promise and instituted the feast.  We realize the infinite value of the Blood of God which had been prophesied throughout the Old Testament.  The Holy Ghost taught that without the shedding of Blood there would not be redemption.  Our Lord completed His mission by dying on the Cross and shedding every drop of His Blood.  This Blood continues to save at by every Mass.  We must love and thank God always to live with Him in Heaven eventually.

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We Rest In His Hand

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2020
Among the themes of the time after Pentecost which we are beginning is the assurance given us by Divine Providence.  No matter the crisis we face God is always with us and never tests us beyond our strength.  The Holy Ghost reminds us of this through the sacred liturgy which celebrates feasts of consolation like the Holy Trinity, Corpus Christi and Sacred Heart.  Today’s Mass provides us with the same confidence and in the Gospel which describes sufficient and efficacious grace we are cautioned not to allow the concupiscence of the eyes, the flesh and the pride of life to deflect us in our journey towards God and heaven.

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O, Banquet Most Precious

Corpus Christi 2020
We must be thankful for the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and be humbled in its presence.  During our long journey to Heaven we must constantly practice docility to God and He will reward us. Christ revealed what we all acknowledge and believe as the essence of the doctrine, namely transubstantiation.  Whenever we receive we are close to Heaven and our path there is secure.  Those endanger themselves needlessly when they neglect this great sacrament.  We are united in the Holy Eucharist through Our Lord’s Real Presence and are so inspired as to make the texts of this Mass, which were composed by St. Thomas, our source of contemplation.  The rites of the Mass re-enact the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord.

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Restore The Holy Eucharist

Holy Thursday 2020
We celebrate the anniversaries of the institution of the sacrifice of the Holy Mass and the sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Holy Orders today.  The Mass is the central act and purpose for the Church which Christ commanded at the Last Supper to be offered and from it flows Our Lord’s Real Presence among us in the Blessed Sacrament.  He is our Food and the reason for the joy and freedom we experience even at the worst of times.  The Priesthood was established to accomplish this until the end of time.  St. John Vianney said that love of the Mass and the priesthood are signs of predestination.  Priests must cherish these things most of all.  St. Paul in the Epistle warns that our infirmities are caused because of the neglect of the Holy Eucharist.  These mysterious days in which we are living have as their root cause the mistreatment of Our Lord in the most sacred sacrament of the altar.

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River of Mercy

Feast Of The Precious Blood 2019
Devotion to the Precious Blood of Our Lord is based on the doctrine of the Incarnation whereby we know that all components of His Sacred Humanity belong to the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity and are thereby worthy of divine adoration and love.  God prepared us for His shedding of this price of our redemption by many examples in the Old Testament, beginning with Abel and being seen more dramatically in the blood of the Passover lambs.  The origins of the modern feast celebrating this come from the days of Pope Pius IX.  He instituted the feast in thanksgiving for the saving of Rome from its enemies in 1849.  The qualities of His Blood are seen in Its Litany.  Our spiritual life will be strengthened by our daily practice of devotion to the Precious Blood.

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