Simple New Year’s Resolutions

Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus 2025
Not only this day, but this entire month is dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus.  The first miracle the Apostles worked was the cure recorded in today’s Gospel account.  The Second Commandment of the Decalogue is: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.  We live in a time that deliberately violates this commandment.  God’s name is “I am Who am”, and the Jews were forbidden to say this name except once a year in the Holy of Holies.  In the Old Testament, we see David ask for God to have mercy on him because of the love he has for His Holy Name.  We have been instructed to do all in the name of Our Lord.  Let us fall on our knees with the Magi in adoration of Jesus Christ and in reparation for the blasphemies against Him.

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The Dogmas of Christmas

Christmas Conference 2024
In a moment in time the Word assumed a human nature and from then on, He was completely God and completely man and will be so for all eternity.  This feast of Christmas also includes the doctrine of the Virgin Birth.  The Blessed Mother was virgin before, during, and after the birth of Christ.  This miracle foreshadowed the Resurrection, in which Christ passed through His tomb while leaving it shut.

The reason why the Son became man was first to honor His Father, and only secondarily for the salvation of mankind.  All things were made as an expression of His goodness, and all mankind was made for God first.  God became a Father in a new way on Christmas, because it was only then that He became Father in the flesh.  Our Lord came to dwell forever in our hearts as the King of Peace.  This is a feast of hope which offers a foretaste of the final victory at the end of time.  The three Masses of Christmas focus, first on the eternal birth of the Son from the Father, then the birth of the Word in the Flesh, and finally the birth of the Word in men’s hearts.  Christ appeared as a helpless child, and all are drawn to the innocence and purity of an infant.  It teaches each one of us to become like little children so we might enter the kingdom of Heaven.

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His Priestly Reign

Feast of Christ the King 2024
This feast was instituted in our times to combat secularism.  Those who claim that we need not proselytize, or that all religions are paths to God, are in direct contradiction of the words of our Redeemer.  The doctrine of the kingship of Christ comes from both His divinity and His humanity.  God owns us because He is our Creator and, by the union of His human and divine natures,  He became Head of the human race.  Christ is both priest and king and will continue His priestly reign until the end of time.  The Catholic youth should have one anthem echo in their hearts: “We have no King but Christ.”

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Plead For The Children!

22nd Sunday after Pentecost 2024

This Sunday is a fitting prequel to the feast of Christ the King, reminding us of all we owe Our Lord.  As we approach the end of the year we continually ask for mercy from God.  With the approach of the feast of Christ the King, we should reinvigorate ourselves in fulfilling our duties.  Parents and teachers should especially strive by both word and example to raise the youth to be virtuous members of the Church.  Good parents would save their child from physical danger, yet there are Catholic parents who do not think twice about the moral dangers to which their children are exposed.  We must plead to God that he will save our children – those under our care as well as the unborn.

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For Those Who Have Lost Their Way

1st Friday Conference September 2024
St. Tarcisius lived during the days of great persecution.  He was ordained an acolyte or deacon as a young man, and was commissioned to care for the Christian prisoners.  While bringing Viaticum to these captives, St. Tarcisius was accosted by a group of pagans.  He gave his life rather than expose the Holy Eucharist to desecration.

Devotion to the Holy Infant of Prague is loved and honored by Our Lord Himself.  Our Lord is not a child now, but this is the humble state in which He first appeared in the world.  The statue depicts the Holy Infant as both God and Man, as well as King of all creation.  His welcoming gentleness seems to radiate out from the Infant Jesus of Prague.  He makes Himself a guide to all those who have lost their way.

Much is said about the accomplishments of St. Pius X, but not enough about his interior life.  His prayer had reached the heights of contemplation and was directed by the Holy Ghost.  He radiated goodness and wanted to comfort everybody, yet fought unwaveringly against the enemies of his spiritual children.

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Trinity In Unity

Trinity Sunday 2024
Today we honor the dogma at the heart of our Catholic Faith.  God, through His Divine Son, chose to reveal the truth of the Holy Trinity to mankind.  Although we could never reason to the existence of this great doctrine on our own, nor can we completely understand it in our finite minds, we firmly believe it through the gift of faith.  We should recite the Athanasian Creed to reaffirm our faith in opposition to those who deny it.  We must believe everything that Christ has revealed to us and be prepared at every moment to defend it.

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Everything Is For The Saints

All Saints Day 2023
St. John expresses God’s love and mercy for the Hebrews in today’s passage from the Apocalypse, but it is also a call for all men.  Every man is called to be a saint.  The origins of this feast go back to the beginning of time, because even the angels are included today.  We gain innumerable graces when we imitate the saints.  Today we also make up for neglecting the saints throughout the previous year.  One soul is worth more than all the rest of creation.  It is not only possible but necessary for us to be saints.  We must be Christians, not in name only, but we must be truly Christlike.

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We Have No King But Christ

Christ The King 2023
Salvation is all that matters.  It is necessary that every person and every government should be Catholic.  Today the Church authorities tell us that we must not make converts.  This is cruelty because charity demands that we help our neighbor.  Christ said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.”  When we pray “Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven,” we are asking for the social kingship of Christ.  Christ is the absolute and supreme King.  We must take courage because Christ has overcome the world.

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Our Invitation To Heaven

19th Sunday after Pentecost 2023
The Epistle for today’s Mass speaks of Baptism, in which the “new man” of Sanctifying Grace is given to the soul, and the Holy Trinity comes to dwell within it. St. Paul tells us not to give place to the devil, and we can follow his direction by the use of the Rosary and the Brown Scapular. The wedding feast of the Gospel refers to Heaven, and the Rosary is the prayer which takes us there. We cannot enter Heaven without the wedding garment of Sanctifying Grace.

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She Is The Joy of Heaven

Feast of the Assumption 2023
In Heaven, the Blessed Mother is second only to the Holy Trinity in honor.  She is called Co-redemptrix because everything that Our Lord won she won as well in a subordinate manner.  It was a miracle that she was sustained in life while her Divine Son died.  She was kept on Earth for the sake of helping the early Church.  Because the Virgin Mary shared so closely in Our Lord’s death, she shares in His triumph.  She offers the gifts of God as she pleases to her children here below.

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