Purity of Intention

Quinquagesima Sunday 2021
In preparation for Ash Wednesday and Lent there is a review of the laws concerning fast and abstinence.  Today is also the feast of St. Valentine and his impact in our own day.  The Epistle for this Mass is taken from St. Paul and teaches us the importance of doing all our works, especially the upcoming penances, with purity of intention which is produced by charity.  The Gospel tells of the cure of the blind man by Our Lord.  We are that blind man who need God’s help to see our sinfulness and do something about it.

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Language of Love

17th Sunday after Pentecost 2020
The Epistle for today points us to the Catholic Church which we are blessed to have.  It has the one true Faith and a unity of belief, worship, sacraments and hierarchy.  Christ gave us this as a means of fulfilling the two great commandments of love which He repeats in the Gospel for this Sunday.  In this kingdom we learn to speak the language of love so that we will be fluent when we reach heaven.  We must prepare now for our death which will usher us into heaven.  Pride is the obstacle and we have time now to remove this from our spiritual life.


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Love God With Your Whole Being

12th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
The month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and we should imitate our Blessed Mother whom Our Lord said “heard the word of God and kept it”.  This Gospel about the Good Samaritan reminds us that we can see how much we love God by how we love our neighbor.  Christ summarized all the law by saying that we must love God with all our being and our neighbor as ourselves.

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The Prayer Of The Proud Man

10th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
Today’s Gospel contrasts the prayer of the Pharisee and the Publican.  The proud Pharisee thanks God for making him better than everyone else, especially the Publican.  We should compare ourselves to the best so as not to be complacent and even foster our own humility at the same time.  Humility of will is that virtue by which we not only realize our need for humiliation but enjoy it.  We learn this in the lives of the saints like St. Peter.  This holiness of the saints is one of the ways, along with Christ’s miracles like the Resurrection, to find proofs that Catholicism is the True Church.

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His Providence Never Fails

7th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
As St. Paul points out in today’s Epistle, what did our past life dedicated to sin accomplish for us?  Unless we repent, sin leads us to a sad end all alone except enslaved by our vices.  In contrast, how happy is the life of one dedicated to prayer! This is something for which one will sacrifice all to gain it.  Prayer lifts us to the Trinity and Its Interior Life which perfects charity in us by the gift of wisdom.

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Keep The First Fervor

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost 2020
After hearing about Saints John Gualbert, Veronica, Bonaventure, Henry, the Carmelite Sisters of Compiegne and Camillus we had a renewal of the Paschal sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist in the Epistle and Gospel.  The Divine Office recounts the story of King David and how his sloth led to sins of adultery and murder.  His meekness saved him when his crimes were exposed by the prophet Nathan.  We should imitate his repentance and reject the devil and all his works.  Receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion faithfully will lead us to union and heaven one day.

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Are We Afraid Of Battle?

5th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
In the Gospel Christ condemns unjust anger and asks us to love our enemies.  Will we shirk this duty as a soldier who refuses to go into battle?  In the Epistle St. Peter writes that we should be merciful and in return we will receive mercy.

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Our Most Sublime Prayer

3rd Sunday After Pentecost 2020
The Gospel shows Our Lord coming to protect us and this is perfect for Father’s Day as well.  When asked how to pray Christ gave us the Our Father.  When we receive Holy Communion we are united with Our Lord.  We are meant to be saints and must pray and strive for that always.  Not to desire sanctity is a sin.  We should do everything for our Heavenly Father and someday reach eternal happiness.

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We Rest In His Hand

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2020
Among the themes of the time after Pentecost which we are beginning is the assurance given us by Divine Providence.  No matter the crisis we face God is always with us and never tests us beyond our strength.  The Holy Ghost reminds us of this through the sacred liturgy which celebrates feasts of consolation like the Holy Trinity, Corpus Christi and Sacred Heart.  Today’s Mass provides us with the same confidence and in the Gospel which describes sufficient and efficacious grace we are cautioned not to allow the concupiscence of the eyes, the flesh and the pride of life to deflect us in our journey towards God and heaven.

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Love God With All Your Heart

5th Sunday after Easter
Today is also the feast of St. Paschal Baylon, the patron saint of Eucharistic Congresses because of his extraordinary devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.  Later this week is the fest of St. Rita who is a favorite patron of our community because of her intercession in obtaining the gift of ordination for our priests.  The Epistle today from St. James stresses the importance of doing good works and stands in opposition to the heresy of being saved by faith alone.  We must love God and do so by ridding ourselves of the terrible virus of sin.  The Blessed Virgin Mary is our ally in this and we should be practicing special devotion to her this month.  The Rosary is a perfect means of doing this and the standard prayer that our vocations have in common.

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