New Year

Octave of the Nativity 2019

The Octave of the Nativity is an ancient feast with roots in pagan times.  The Christians felt the need to gather on the first day of the new year to do penance for the pagan revelry of the previous night.  This popular penitential devotion moved the Church authorities to institute this feast and thereby add a renewal of Christmas job along with a commemoration of the Circumcision and an honoring of the Blessed Virgin Mary who was the key to these mysteries.  We should promise to take our Christian life seriously this year.  The carol about the twelve days of Christmas was a catechism lesson for the persecuted Catholics in the past and full of beautiful truths during our days of celebrating the Nativity.


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Bible Facts

19th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The 19th Sunday after Pentecost reminds us not to neglect the divine invitation to the marriage feast and to come prepared wearing our wedding garment symbolizing grace.  Clothed as a new man we will put aside sin and follow the commandments.  Today is also the feast of St. Jerome, the translator of our missal texts and patron of Scripture study.  This then provided an opportunity to refute several attacks against Catholics concerning the Bible.

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My Flesh Has Been Renewed

11th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The feasts for this week give cause for us to thank God and take strength in upholding the faith. This Mass for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost recalls Our Lord’s Resurrection and the Easter sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist. St. Paul lists all the witnesses to Christ’s Risen Body and the Gospel relates the story of the healing of the deaf and dumb man. The exact gestures and words of Jesus are repeated during the ceremonies for Baptism. All this leads to union with Our Lord in Holy Communion.



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In His Will Is Our Peace

Octave Day of Nativity 2018

The Sacred Liturgy, like nature itself, anticipates great feasts, celebrates them and only gradually leaves them.  So Christmas has its First Vespers, its three Masses and then a week to relish the reality of the Incarnation before renewing the mystery again on its octave day, today.  We also have the recalling of Our Lord’s circumcision on this day when He first shed His Blood for our salvation and we profess our love and devotion to the Blessed Mother for her divine maternity and perpetual virginity.  Today we are grateful for all this and we consign our past to God’s mercy and live in the present moment by God’s grace.  We entrust the future to God’s Providence and use prayer, reflection and counsel to know His signified Will and His Will of good pleasure.  We will achieve the tranquility of order in the coming days by knowing and following God’s plan for us.


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Sacrament Sunday

6th Sunday after Pentecost 2017

After learning about the saints this week, particularly St. Mary Magdalen, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and the brown scapular were explained.  This Sunday’s Mass is concerned with the Easter Sacraments of Baptism and the Holy Eucharist which are the thoughts found in the Epistle and Gospel.  The Blessed Sacrament will strengthen us throughout life and we must always pray that we be preserved from a sudden and unprovided death in the end.


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Keep A Good Conscience

Sermon From
7th Sunday After Pentecost 2015
Compline, the final prayer of the Divine Office each day, reminds us that our struggle is against the devil who is the primary source of our temptations.  We can overcome him by a pure intention supported by the sacraments, prayer and moral practices.  We should avoid the occasions of sin like people, places and things which put obstacles in our road to heaven.  For the young especially they must not imitate the ways of the world and its celebrities.  Bad friends are the worst influence.  Today we are also celebrating the reception of First Holy Communion.  You have prepared well and now to Baptism and Penance you are adding the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.  Our Lord has miraculously saved many through the Sacred Host and will do so for you.

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God Will Win

Sermon From
The 5th Sunday After Pentecost 2015
Fraternal charity is a theme of this Mass. Tomorrow is the feast of St. Peter and he is a great person who was trained well by Our Lord. A test of courage is the ability to endure challenges patiently. We should imitate the saints in seeking peace and pursuing it. Our love of God is seen in how much we love neighbor too. Our society is deteriorating and is seen in its acceptance of the four sins that cry out to God for vengeance. A heavy chastisement is awaiting us. The Sacred Heart lamented that even consecrated souls are guilty. By our baptisms all of us have been dedicated to the Blessed Trinity and should fulfill our vows of fidelity. God will triumph in the end with a victory as seen by Gideon.

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Convert All Nations

Ascension Thursday 2015
The dogma of the Ascension of Our Lord is the only dogma to be proclaimed by the angels.  The Scriptures were written by practical men who desired proofs to support their belief.  We review the story of the Ascension to increase our understanding and to love it better.  The souls of the just were waiting in patient expectation of this day.  Following the divine command, the Apostles traveled far and wide to convert the world.  Only the Catholic Church has produced all the great saints and the miracles to confirm their teaching.  This day Christ ended His visible mission on earth and will soon send the Holy Ghost.

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May Christ Triumph in Us

Palm Sunday 2015
This is the most important week of the liturgical year, and we are reminded of the necessity of all the sacraments, but especially of Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.  We begin this week with a look towards the future triumph when we celebrate Our Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem.  We meet Christ now with the palms and in the priest in the procession, and we will meet Him in the future when He leads us into the heavenly Jerusalem.  We must have the disposition that God desires when we received the palms, so we may be victorious over sin. Let us, by our fervor, make up of the sins for our life during this week.

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