
The Secret To Sanctity

15th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
When Our Lord raised the son of the widow of Naim to life, the miracle was instantaneous, with the child restored as if he were simply waking from sleep.  As Christians we know that all suffering is sent for a reason, and sometimes the greatest joys come from times of sorrow.

The Epistle for this Mass speaks about fraternal correction, a teaching so often misunderstood by Catholics.  Remember Our Lord describes himself as meek and humble of heart.  The virtue of meekness is related to clemency, which gives us the ability to forgive easily insults.  A man who is humble recognizes what he is of himself.  This is what made the saints lowly as the dust.  Pride is the most deceptive of all vices, even disguising itself as humility.  We should be well instructed about this vice so we may recognize it better and more effectively uproot it from our souls.


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