The Doctrine of Indulgences
2nd Sunday of Lent 2012
All Catholics have a serious obligation to know the catechism. Our Lord made infinite satisfaction for the sins of mankind by His sufferings and death, and these merits, along with the superabundant merits of the Blessed Mother and the saints, are available to us in the Treasury of the Church. By practicing works to which indulgences have been attached, we may remove the temporal punishment due to our forgiven sins. Although the doctrine of indulgences is often condemned, because of past abuses in the use of indulgences, it is nevertheless a beautiful and salutary truth of the Faith.
Many deny the existence of Hell or the fact that souls are punished there, but we have just as much certainty of these truths as we do of the existence of God Himself. It is necessary to believe that God rewards the good and punishes the evil. He gives us all sufficient grace to love Him, and it is up to us to do so.