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Seven Sorrows Of The Blessed Virgin Mary 2021
This is an apologetic against calling the Co-redemption foolishness because it offends against the Faith and personal devotion.  The teaching that Our Lord, Who did not need any assistance in saving the world, deliberately chose to have His Blessed Mother participate in His redemptive act is proximate to Faith and so must be believed and loved by Catholics in order to reach heaven.   St. Pius X and Benedict XV were recent popes who taught this clearly from quotes we have in their encyclicals.  These show the doctrine and explain the difference between the redemption by Christ out of justice and that co-redemption by Our Lady congruently.  To deny or demean this imperils one’s eternal destiny.  On the personal side, this devotion to the ever Virgin Mary under the title of Co-Redemptrix and Mother of Sorrows made Father’s spiritual life deeply attached to her and led him to dedicate his priesthood to her under this aspect.  Many events of his life show this and call for this defense of our heavenly Queen.