Woe To The Scandalous

Conference On The
First Friday of October 2014
Scandal is one of the greatest sins against charity.  Christ expects us to do whatever it takes to avoid occasions of sin, even if the separation from these things is painful.  Christ was not only referring to children when He speaks of scandal given to the “little ones.”  He was speaking about all those who are innocent and poor in spirit.  Scandal is a word or act that is evil or appears to be evil that leads others into sin.  Scandal does not cause a person to sin but leads them to it.  We should strive for the spiritual childhood promoted by the Little Flower.

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The Champion Has Arrived

Sermon from The Feast of
St. Michael The Archangel 2014
The angels were created before all material creation, and they are one of the chief creatures of God.  Hell was created first for the fallen angels, not for men.  We should ask our guarding angels to help us pray and to soften the hearts of our enemies.  St. Michael is mentioned in the Old and New Testament, as well as in oral tradition.  “Whoever humbles himself will be greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.”  We must call on St. Michael to make us humble.  Despite the desperate struggle of our times, St. Michael gives us confidence in our triumph.

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The Growth Of The Inner Man

Sermon From The
16th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
St. Paul tells us that he belongs to us.  He was made a saint for us, and he continues his intercession for us to this day.  We are told to grow in the inner man, to grow in Sanctifying Grace.  The breadth of God’s love is the magnitude of His love.  The length its eternity.  The height of God’s loves refers to the fact that His love surpasses all understanding.  The depth
of His love refers to its sincerity.  We can never thank God enough for the least of His gifts.

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Time Of Hope

Sermon From
15th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
This week we have the Ember days which are of apostolic origin and beneficial to our spiritual life.  The season of Pentecost inspires us with confidence of being saved one day if we persevere in praying always so God will hear us.  The Gospel account shows the unspoken cry of the Widow of Naim moving Jesus to restore her son to life.  Our Holy Mother the Church is also in constant prayer for her children which moves the Divine Spouse to save us from the spiritual death of sin.  This continual prayer in the Church is through the liturgy and the Divine Office.  St. Augustine’s commentary for today is heartfelt as he recalls his own widow mother’s prayers that saved him from hell.  We think of our Mother of Sorrows who does the same for us.

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Behold Your Mother

Sermon From The Feast Of
The Seven Sorrows 2014
The Virgin Mary’s life had many sorrows, but we limit them to the seven major sorrows of her life.  We should recall each of these seven sorrows today, remembering especially the greatest of them all – when the Blessed Mother stood at the foot of the cross.  The image of the Sorrowful Mother in our chapel holds a very special significance.  This image has become a source of great grace and consolation to many who have seen it.  People know instinctively where to go when they are in trouble – they go to their loving Mother.

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Our Immovable Cross

Sermon From The Feast Of
The Exultation of the Holy Cross 2014
The object which was deigned from all eternity to be the instrument of our redemption, an instrument of torture and death, is the holy sign venerated today.  The Cross of Christ should stand immovable in our souls.  On this day we celebrate the victory of the Cross over all the enemies of the Church.  St. Helena led an expedition to the Holy Land and miraculously discovered the True Cross.  History has shown that God will not be defeated.  The Sign of the Cross is a proclamation of our Faith.  It is through this sign of death that we are given life.

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Gratitude: The Unknown Virtue

Sermon From
13th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
With the approach of the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows we are reminded of Christ’s final gift to us from the Cross.  As we prepare to resume catechism classes it is important for parents to realize their serious obligation to train their children for heaven.  Our Lady’s 30 days are ending soon so we need fervor this week.  In the Gospel we learn the power of faith in the healing of the lepers but it is supernatural faith which is a theological virtue and can only be given by God.  Christ also teaches us about a part of the virtue of justice which few appreciate and even less practice and that is being thankful to God for the favors He grants us and showing gratitude to others for their kindness and charity towards us.

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The Battle Of Saint Pius X

Conference Given On
1st Friday September 2014
Pope Saint Pius X only reigned for eleven years but his contributions to the Church are unparalleled in modern times.  He took the name Pius because the past popes who possessed that name suffered for Christ as great defenders of Catholic doctrine.  As soon as he became pope, he sought to reform the devotion of the clergy.  He is also called the Pope of Holy Communion because he reduced the age at which children were able to receive communion.  Through this great saint’s writings and example, we learn how to fight heresy, and especially Modernism, without compromise.

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The New Law Changed Everything

Sermon From The
12th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
The feast of Pope St. Pius X is this week and even he acknowledged that all his efforts had only delayed the enemies of the Church.  The Epistle summarizes the importance of recognizing the difference between the spirit of the law and its letter.  In the Gospel Our Lord teaches how the new law of love is extends to our neighbors too, even those we may not like.  Say the Act of Charity in the morning and practice it throughout the day by caring for someone else even if you do not feel like it because we do it for the love of God and it is the right thing to do.

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What Miracles Teach

Sermon From The
11th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
✟Father Violette
Our Lord shows great mercy to us because He knows man’s nature so well.  God has given us great gifts of grace but because they remain invisible to us, He performed miracles to show what is taking place in souls.  God’s grace returns life to our souls just as Christ raised Lazarus from the dead.  When we have the Gospel preached to us, we must not twist it to suit our opinions.  We can only be perfect as our heavenly Father when we, as sons of God, cooperate with God’s Grace.

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