Pray Ardently

Sermon From Quinquagesima Sunday 2014 We must pray like we truly mean the words being said, and we must do so without ceasing.  We have a need to show forth the feelings that are deep inside us.  This is why we have external expressions of love and adoration to God, such as genuflections.  We must…

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Conversion of Life

Sermon From Sexagesima Sunday 2014 We are reminded at this Mass that we are in need of a conversion of life.  However, since knowledge does not equal virtue, so we must place ourselves in a retreat from the world in order to accomplish this goal.  We must have a true desire to convert ourselves and…

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The Devil’s Weapon

Sermon From Septuagesima Sunday 2014 We have begun a new season, and we are in a transition preparing us for Lent.  We must be aware of what we are struggling against in this season of examination.  This Sunday focuses especially on Original Sin and the story of Adam and Eve.  We have been thrown out…

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Prayer of the Magi

Conference On 1st Friday February 2014 We continue to learn about the mystery of God’s providence during this period of the liturgical year.  Just as the life of the Magi destined them to follow the Star of Bethlehem, God humbles Himself in revealing his plans to us according to our own lives.  We partake in…

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Give Yourself Completely to God

Sermon From The Feast Of The Purification 2014 In this event in the life of the Holy Family, the first procession took place when Christ was carried through the Temple of God.  This is renewed by the faithful today in the procession with the candle which represents Our Lord.  We see the perfect example of…

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The Irony of God

Sermon From The 3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2014 The conversion of St. Paul was the single most important moment in the spread of the Church.  St. Stephen’s prayer, as he was stoned to death, called down on Saul the grace of his conversion.  This conversion in St. Paul meant a real change, unlike the half…

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The Magi and the Threefold Epiphany

Conference On The Epiphany The three manifestations of Our Lord remembered on the Epiphany are those moments when Christ chose to reveal Himself as God to the Magi, at His baptism, and at the wedding feast of Cana. All three events are connected doctrinally and liturgically. The Magi are expressions of Faith in that they…

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The Obedience of Christ

Feast of the Holy Family 2014 We read the account of St. Luke, the details of which were given to him by the Blessed Mother herself.  Despite what the enemies of Church say, Christ was perfect man and perfect God, possessed of the Beatific Vision and infused knowledge.  The historical details help us understand the…

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Our Promise Of Consolation

Sermon From Midnight Mass Christmas 2013 The three Masses of Christmas each recall a different aspect of Our Lord’s birth – the Midnight Mass recalled the eternal begetting of the Son from the Father, the Mass at dawn His birth in the world, and the third Mass recalls His birth in our individual souls.  In…

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Prepare for Christ’s Coming

Sermon From 4th Sunday of Advent 2013 Father Violette✟ We have weeks to prepare us for the major feasts of the Church to wake us up and ensure we are ready.  From all eternity God has a special grace for each one of us – the grace of Christmas.  We have ample time to prepare…

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