No Lasting City

Sermon On The
Last Sunday after Pentecost 2014
This is the last day of the liturgical year, which is given to us as a reminder that we do not have our permanent home here on Earth.  We are reminded to be thankful and to be prepared for our coming judgment.  We stand during the Gospel to remind us that we must always be prepared to fulfill the will of God expressed in those words.  We learn of everyone’s sins at the Last Judgment.  We have been given great hope and expectation of being saved and that Christ will bring us to Heaven, so we may see the Trinity and be enraptured in that vision for all eternity.

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One True Faith

Sermon on the
23rd Sunday after Pentecost 2014
✟Father Violette
We live a lifetime in a single year through the liturgy.  The liturgy inspires us to great confidence because it gives us trust in God.  By ourselves we are lowly and incapable of doing anything.  The Gospel demonstrates this great confidence which stems from faith.  We must pray for absolute faith in our God.  It is important for us to know why we are Catholics, and to review the many proofs of the one, true Church.  Unless a person comes to the conviction that the truths of the Catholic Faith are revealed by God, he cannot make an act of faith.

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Priestly Life: Human and Divine

Conference From
First Friday November 2014
To teach, rule, and sanctify are the three powers priests must employ to accomplish their purpose on earth.  Through preaching the priest shares the fruits of all he knows.  In ruling the priest is able to organize society according to the principals of the Church.  By sanctifying the priest makes the people truly holy.  The priest is called “Father,” because he gives life by healing and restoring the faithful.  The priest should offer all, especially the Mass, for the remission of sins.  God chose men, not angels, to be priests, because men know sin and can offer compassion to their fellow sinners.  But despite knowing sin, no one on earth has a greater obligation to perfection than the priest.  Priests belong entirely to Christ and must possess His mind and will.

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A Place Of Peace

All Souls Day 2014
We remember in a special way the great priests who stood up against the corruption in the Church.  They were persecuted so we might have the Faith today.  We should pray with all our hearts and souls during this Mass.  Purgatory was not first created out of justice but out of love.  Our greatest obligation is not to obey God, but to love Him.  One great act of love can forgive our sins.  We love God freely, but we also owe God our love in justice.  If our love is tainted by pride and ego, it must be purified in Purgatory.

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Mercy For The Living And The Dead

Sermon From The
21st Sunday after Pentecost 2014
The books of the Machabees are read in the Divine Office during this time.  We are given an important instruction from the Machabees, especially during the month of November, to pray for the dead.  We are fighting a seemingly impossible enemy to conquer.  But we must think of God, not of ourselves, and rely on His help and the help of the good angels.  We will be punished if we are hardhearted and do not forgive those who ask for mercy, or do not pray for the souls in Purgatory who are so much in need of our help.

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The Smile Of The Universe

All Saints Day 2014
There are four marks of the true Church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.  However, the most appealing mark is holiness.  The stories of the saints are innumerable and are a beacon of light to the world.  This is the feast which celebrates the holiness of the Church.  A saint is one who has practiced heroic virtue.  We must thank God for the saints and every detail of their lives.  We must be inspired by these great models of a holy life.  We must study how to reach Heaven.  Heaven is wide open today to offer us a vision of our goal.

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The King Of Saints

Christ the King 2014
The purpose of human history is for the creation of saints.  The reason for all human existence is to reach the final end of sanctification.  The feast of Christ the King was instituted to combat secularism.  God is the efficient cause of everything, and because of this He owns everything.  There is a communal side to all men, but we are not only bonded to one another, we are bound to God.  Christ in His human nature is intimately united to the human race, and even more so after we are baptized.  God wants to be loved, and it is our obligation to do so.

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Mass Of Loyalty

Sermon From The
19th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
This month is dedicated to the Holy Rosary and this sacramental is so powerful that just carrying it is important and beneficial.  The Rosary is a contemplative prayer which is adaptable to communal recitation that can be difficult for some, especially children.  The Introit tells us that God will save us and we must resist the devil.  The Gospel about the marriage feast parallels Christ’s life and stresses the importance of having grace in order to participate in the Sacred Banquet.  Loyalty is being faithful to God, His Church and the Faith.  It continues its influence into our families and friends.  Parents have the responsibility to teach this to their children so that they inculcate this virtue into all their relationships in life.

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Are We Pharisees?

Sermon From The
18th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
✟Father Violette
We have made great progress in the liturgical year and our holiness of life should show that same progress.  God speaks to us directly through the words of Scripture.  When we compromise with sin, we are denying God.  Christ proved the truth of His words by the miracles He performed, and even though the religious leaders in His time believed in those miracles, they willfully kept their hearts closed to Christ.  We must be on guard against falling into the same mistake in our lives by making excuses for our sins.

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A Mélange

Sermon From
17th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
Today will be a mixture of considerations based on the feasts presented to us through the liturgy of these days.  A favorite of ours is that of the Angels who are so much a part of our lives and not always appreciated.  Even the pagan philosophers knew about them.  We have experienced their aid many times.  We are given ten important truths about the angels to stimulate our devotion to them.  We have another great saint to celebrate and that is St. Francis of Assisi.  His biography is charming and encouraging because he was just like us as a typical son of a middle class businessman.  He was converted by hearing a Gospel verse and in a short life reached heights of sanctity which brought him a restoration of original justice.  His prophecy of a future leader with his name that would be a destroyer is chilling.  In conclusion we recall the feasts of the Rosary and Divine Maternity.

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