The Secret To Sanctity

15th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
When Our Lord raised the son of the widow of Naim to life, the miracle was instantaneous, with the child restored as if he were simply waking from sleep.  As Christians we know that all suffering is sent for a reason, and sometimes the greatest joys come from times of sorrow.

The Epistle for this Mass speaks about fraternal correction, a teaching so often misunderstood by Catholics.  Remember Our Lord describes himself as meek and humble of heart.  The virtue of meekness is related to clemency, which gives us the ability to forgive easily insults.  A man who is humble recognizes what he is of himself.  This is what made the saints lowly as the dust.  Pride is the most deceptive of all vices, even disguising itself as humility.  We should be well instructed about this vice so we may recognize it better and more effectively uproot it from our souls.

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Our Heavenly Father’s Care

14th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
St. Raymond Nonnatus is celebrated this week by the Church, and presented to us as an example of generosity and love of neighbor that we are all called to imitate.  If God created you, how much easier is it for Him to provide your material needs.  Our Father in Heaven is truly our Father, more than even our biological father, because He has given us a share in his life.  Our sanctification should be the number one priority in our lives.  We are aided in avoiding sin and striving for virtue when we recall the remorse of the damned.  The lost souls have great remorse for three reasons: for the shortness of their sin, how easily they could have changed their lives, and their knowledge of the happiness of the saints.  We must spend our life preparing for our death.

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Heartfelt Gratitude To God

13th Sunday after Pentecost 2015

The Old Law was given to the Hebrews to protect them from the evil practices of the pagan world.  We can follow their example today by remaining on guard against worldly influences and striving to be examples for those outside the Church.  The Gospel informs us of the importance of gratitude.  We should daily thank God, from the bottom of our hearts, for the gifts we are continually given.  The Holy Mass is not only an act of worship, but the most perfect thanksgiving offered to God.

The Octave Day of the Assumption is the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Our Lord desires that we honor His Mother’s heart, which endured so much anguish for our sakes.  We must all surrender to the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God.

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What Is Promised Through Her

Feast of the Assumption 2015

This Gospel recalls the mystery of the Visitation, in which we see Elizabeth as an old woman humbling herself before the young Virgin Mary.  A momentary gift of reason was given to the infant, St. John the Baptist, in the womb of his mother when he received the revelation that he was in the presence of the Redeemer.  On that day the Blessed Virgin was recognized for the first time as the Mother of God.

The Dogma of the Assumption was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII in modern times, but it was held, from the earliest days of the Church, that those who dared to question this dogma were enemies of God.  Even the saints are looking forward to that final day when their souls will be united with their bodies in Heaven.  This feast is a proclamation of that future day on which we will feel for the first time the embrace of our Blessed Mother.

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The Divine Power Of Faith

11th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
The body of doctrines that all Catholics must believe is called Objective Faith, which is distinct from the virtue of faith.  This virtue gives us the ability to ascent with the mind and adhere with the will to all the truths revealed by our Divine Savior.  We do not appreciate the great privilege we have been given through faith.  It is an act of the greatest love of God for Him to share the mysteries of His life so that we might believe in them.  The gift of faith is offered to even the worst among us.  The Gospel today displays the great power of intercession, because it was due to the friends of the deaf and dumb man that he obtained his cure.  This teaches us to pray perseveringly for the conversion of our neighbor.

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The Results of Pride

10th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
The Gospel for this Mass warns us of the catastrophic results of pride.  Firstly, God does not hear the prayers of the proud man.  Secondly, pride leads to hatred of God and neighbor, due to our inordinate love of ourselves.  We should think often of our death and judgment, especially when we are tempted to the sin of pride.  How beautiful it is to see someone accept humiliation with a smile.  Everything that happens to us comes from God.  Even the evil in the world is permitted by Him for our good.  Our Lord endured humiliation to serve as an example for us to follow.

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The Thirteenth Apostle

8th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
St. Mary Magdalene is one of the only saints given the title of “Penitent.”  After living a life of great impurity, she became one of the most dedicated disciples of Our Lord.  She is sometimes called “The Thirteenth Apostle” because of the great privileges she received in witnessing the death of Christ and announcing His Resurrection.  When she heard Our Lord call her name after He had risen, she fell at His feet and embraced Him, in a gesture which implied her unwillingness to lose Him again.  She was later arrested and sent off in a boat without oars, so that she and her companions might die at sea, but she was miraculously carried to the south of France where she lived in contemplation of God to the end of her days.

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Keep A Good Conscience

Sermon From
7th Sunday After Pentecost 2015
Compline, the final prayer of the Divine Office each day, reminds us that our struggle is against the devil who is the primary source of our temptations.  We can overcome him by a pure intention supported by the sacraments, prayer and moral practices.  We should avoid the occasions of sin like people, places and things which put obstacles in our road to heaven.  For the young especially they must not imitate the ways of the world and its celebrities.  Bad friends are the worst influence.  Today we are also celebrating the reception of First Holy Communion.  You have prepared well and now to Baptism and Penance you are adding the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.  Our Lord has miraculously saved many through the Sacred Host and will do so for you.

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Bearing Our Burdens with Christ

6th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
The Holy Ghost tells us, through the words of St. Paul, that we die to sin and rise with the new life of Sanctifying Grace.  We endure a daily struggle to endure and overcome our faults.  Depression and anxiety have no place when we remember that God remains with us at every moment.  Tepidity must be combatted, because those who are lukewarm are, in a certain way, the farthest from God.  Let us make every effort to honor God in the best way we can, to express our unspeakable gratitude for everything we have received from His hand.

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All Is Fulfilled

Feast of The Precious Blood 2015
When Christ said the words, “It is consummated,” He expressed the fact that His entire life on Earth had led to this one moment in which all was fulfilled.  The culmination of His mission was the Redemption of the human race.  The devil never tempts a soul as much as at the moment when a man is dying.  This is why we constantly pray for final perseverance.  Christ died with full knowledge and full control of His senses.  The feast was instituted by Pope Pius IX in response to the attacks of Freemasonry.  This is a feast for our times, because we fight the same enemy today.

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