The Importance Of The Rosary

Sermon From
20th Sunday After Pentecost 2015
This year marks the 500th anniversary of the birth of St. Teresa of Avila and her feast is this week.  Her quotes show her to be a traditionalist and a teacher of prayer.  Today is also the feast of the Divine Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Last week was the feast honoring the Rosary and we are reminded of the importance of this powerful sacramental, what it is and how we should pray it efficaciously.  At Fatima the Blessed Mother revealed to the three children on October 13, 1917 when the Miracle of the Sun took place her identity as the Lady of the Rosary.  Besides the Rosary she taught them how to offer up their daily little sacrifices in reparation for the sins of the world and for their own sanctification.

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Spiritual Childhood

19th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
St. Francis is universally esteemed by both Catholics and non-Catholics alike.  Despite living many centuries apart, the lives of St. Frances and St. Thérèse share many similarities, particularly in regard to their practice of spiritual childhood.  The origins of this doctrine can be found in Our Lord’s words, “unless you become like this little child, you will not enter the kingdom of God.”  Spiritual childhood is closely linked to poverty of spirit, by which one receives a deep understanding of his need and utter helplessness.  This leads to childlike dependence on God’s grace.  Spiritual childhood is indispensable for all who wish to possess the Kingdom of God.

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Our Faithful Angels

1st Friday Conference October 2015
So many Catholics desire a greater understanding of the Mass.  The Consecration of the Mass is surrounded by rituals and rubrics that are filled with meaning.  When you appreciate the meaning of these rubrics you see the true beauty of the Mass and the great evil of those who would wish to destroy it.  There is no dogma of the Faith which teaches infallibly the doctrine of Guardian Angels, however, the evidence from Scripture and Tradition is so overwhelming that it is considered infallible.  When Christ speaks of the angels watching over the “little ones,” He is not speaking only of children but of all who are innocent.  Our Guardian Angels preserve us from dangers to our body and soul, as well as temptations from the evil spirit.  They inspire holy thoughts and aid us in performing virtuous acts.  From the testimonies of many saints, we know that our angels never tire of being with us all day long and watching over us at every moment.

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Our Guides on the Way to Perfection

Feast of St. Michael 2015
Since at least the fifth century, St. Michael the Archangel has been given widespread honor in the Church.  We have this feast to thank God for creating the angels, and to help us rejoice in their happiness and imitate their great love of God.  Although they were not redeemed as we were, the angels receive all their virtues from Our Lord, making each of them a reflection of His perfections.  We also honor the angels today because of the pivotal role they played in our Redemption.  When reciting the Gloria at the Mass we should remember we are reciting the prayer of the holy angels, and if we ask them to, they will join us in our prayers.

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Faith: The Beginning of Heaven

18th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
Our Lord worked the miracle recounted in the Gospel because of the strong faith of the men who brought the paralytic to Him.  We are only capable of doing evil by our own power, but all the good we do is because of the help of God’s grace.  The Church has taught for 2,000 years without error.  Through this we see the truth of St. Paul’s rhetorical question, “what grace are you lacking?”  Christ came to bring us to Heaven.  And our faith, when it is enlivened by charity, allows us to begin to experience Heaven while we are still on earth.

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Restoration Through The Rosary

17th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
There was only one religion started by Our Lord, and we should never be swayed to think otherwise.  Centuries ago, when devotion to the Holy Rosary had begun to decrease, a terrible plague was sent throughout Europe as a chastisement.  The Blessed Mother and Our Lord appeared to Blessed Alan de la Roche and instructed him to promote the Rosary through his preaching.  By his efforts, this devotion was restored.  In our own day the Holy Rosary is often ignored or suppressed.  We should be on fire for the defense of Our Lord and His Mother and use the Holy Rosary as a prayer of penance to make up for the sins of mankind.

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Her Sacrificial Heart

Feast of the Seven Sorrows 2015
The Epistle for this Mass makes reference to Judith of the Old Testament who was a type of the Blessed Virgin.  The seven swords depicted in the Immaculate Heart represent seven key moments of suffering in the life of our Holy Mother, however, her life was filled with many sorrows.  We have been given a privilege to live in times of great trials in the Church in which we may suffer for Our Lord.  Everything that Christ merited on the Cross He willed to share with His associate, His Virgin Mother.  Few remember that the basis of this feast is found in the Immaculate Conception, which prepared the Blessed Mother to be a pure victim.  Her suffering was made far greater because of her sensitivity of soul and her deep hatred of sin.  She has her Immaculate Heart in Heaven to this day so she might compassionate us in the sorrows of our life.

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The Kingdom of the Cross

Exaltation of the Holy Cross 2015
We are in a battle between those who fight for the Holy Cross and those who oppose it. This day commemorates historical events which are tied to the Cross of Christ, including the conquest of Emperor Constantine, the discovery of the Cross by St. Helena, and its rescue by Emperor Heraclius from the infidel Persians. In the ancient world, the cross was a sign of shame and torture, but at the end of time it will appear in the sky as the sign of salvation to the faithful and conquest of the powers of evil.

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Deliver Us from Pride

16th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
When we see the moral attacks on society, and especially on the sacrament of Matrimony, it should be a wake-up call for all of us. We should strive to pray better and attend Mass more frequently when we witness how dire is our situation.

This Mass is given to us to counteract pride. Our Lord is drawn to the humble and repulsed by the proud, just as all of us are. God must give us grace to move us to perform a good action, He must give us grace to sustain us in doing what is right, and a grace to bring the good work to completion. This is how utterly dependent we are on His continuous help.

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