Be Hopeful

2nd Sunday in Lent
St. Paul is preaching to people of his time who were being dragged down by the pagans, mostly by sins of impurity.  In visions, the saints have seen children and young adults in Hell for sins of impurity so we must combat this.  The Transfiguration is when Christ allowed His divinity to shine forth through His humanity.  This was to strengthen the apostles for the trials ahead.  We take the same encouragement for the rest of Lent.

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An Acceptable Time

1st Sunday In Lent 2019
St. Paul tells us in the Epistle that now is the acceptable time to grow close to Our Lord.  The Liturgy shows the way with a special Mass for each day of Lent.  Our battle begins against the devil and sin and a holy fear of our own weaknesses is a good trait in any soldier.  Christ leads us by entering into the desert, fasting and overcoming the temptations presented to Him.  Our help will come from Psalm 90 which is the prayer for confidence and from the angels who ministered to Our Lord and will do so for us in the days ahead.

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Join In Penance

Ash Wednesday Evening 2019
Lent begins with the moving Epistle from the Prophet Joel which calls on all, especially the priests, to do penance for sin and thereby receive from God the blessings of His gifts.  Through prayer, fasting and almsgiving we separate ourselves from evil tendencies and open up to the infusion of God’s life.  The sacramental of the Ashes should be received with as much devotion, sorrow and love so to obtain the riches of grace being offered.

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Be Inspired

Ash Wednesday 2019
From ancient times ashes have been used, even by the pagans, for the practice of penance.  The Church has done so also and extended their use to all, not just the public penitents.  This sacramental at the beginning of Lent reminds us of the words to Adam after his fall that we are dust and unto dust we shall return.  The graces today should inspire us to renounce the pride and arrogance inherited from Adam and draw close to Our Lord as the saints have told us and finally to realize that in the end we will be judged by love alone.

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Be Envious Of Love

Quinquagesima Sunday 2019
Christ was baptized in January and then began His 40 day retreat in the desert which coincides with our upcoming Lenten retreat so we can share with Our Lord.  It is a time for prayer, especially the Mass, and recollection.  The Liturgy transcends space and time and links us to eternity so we can receive the graces of these days.  We strive to reach heaven and see God face to face.  Love God and give yourself to Him daily.

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Strength Is Made Perfect In Weakness

Sexagesima Sunday 2019
The Divine Office this week focuses on Noah and the Ark which is a symbol of Christ’s Cross; the Wood of each being the means of saving the world.  In the Epistle St. Paul defends himself against early heretics and records God’s encouraging words to him when he felt his weakness.  We too can rely on divine help when being tempted.  Every saint experiences weakness and we should not lose hope in the face of the world’s lies today.

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Septuagesima Sunday 2019
Septuagesima Sunday starts the new Paschal cycle and serves as a time of examining our consciences in preparation for Lent.  The Mass texts, especially the Introit, teach us about death being the consequence of original sin.  The Epistle encourages us to be as generous as the pagans are in obtaining their perishable rewards whereas we strive for imperishable ones in heaven.  The capital sins and their consequences are examined before the Gospel reminds us that the last shall be first and that many are called but few are chosen.

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How Often Do We Thank Him?

5th Sunday After Epiphany 2019
On this Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany St. Paul reminds us that charity is the bond of perfection.  Our Lord gave us the example of forgiving sinners as an expression of our love.  We can imitate that towards our neighbor, especially the ones who might annoy us.  God will help us practice this and the other virtues.  Sin is the only thing that belongs to us alone.  We must beware of the fires of hell as a punishment for lack of love.

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Love Rules All

4th Sunday After Epiphany 2019

In the Epistle for the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany St. Paul teaches that charity must be part of the fulfillment of all the commandments and not a license to commit sin.  We must do our part and fight against evil.  We need to ask for forgiveness, renounce our sins and cry to Our Lord with the apostles “Save us, Lord!”

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Our Presentation

Feast Of The Purification 2019

The feast of the Purification also celebrates Our Lord’s Presentation in the Temple. The Mosaic law required a mother to offer sacrifices before she could be allowed again to participate in worship. In addition, it stipulated that a first born son should be offered to God Who would then return him to the parents for raising him. The Blessed Mother and her Divine Son were exempt from these requirements because of Their sinlessness and holiness but They showed us the way of humility today. We must imitate Them in offering ourselves to God.

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