Call Upon The Name of Jesus

Feast Of The Holy Name of Jesus 2021
The Gradual for this Mass informs us that invoking the Holy Name of Jesus will bring us to Heaven.  The power, beauty and importance of the Name of God made Man has been taught through the centuries by holy people like St. Bernard and St. Bernadine.  The Apostles raised the dead to life by use of the Holy Name.  Jesus means Savior and by using the Holy Name we are invoking all the blessings of God and the Redemptive Incarnation on us, especially in moments of temptation and struggle.  It links us with Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist and sweetens our prayer life.  Ask your guardian angel to whisper the Holy Name to you often throughout the day.


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Have Courage

Octave of Christmas 2021
As we face the unknown that awaits us during the coming year, we can take comfort in the divine promise that Our Lord will be with us always.  In addition, Our Lady of Guadalupe tells us through Juan Diego that she is our Mother and cares for us.  This octave day of Christmas renews all the joys of the Nativity.  It also commemorates the Circumcision and honors in a special way the divine maternity and the perpetual virginity of the Blessed Mother.  Finally, advice is given in the form of resolutions which will help us progress in our spiritual life in the days ahead.

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Christmas Brings Freedom

Christmas Midnight Mass 2020
Despite all the efforts to lessen the reality and the message of Christmas by those opposed to God, we again celebrate the feast of Our Lord’s Nativity.  The Light has come into this world of darkness and brings truth, life and freedom from sin and its evil effects.  The Son of God, while retaining His divine nature, assumed a human nature and was born in Bethlehem from His ever virgin Mother.  His coming is just the beginning and instills the world with hope for a better future which will lead eventually to heavenly glory.  We must love this Holy Infant in return and pray and help those less fortunate than us to receive the graces offered at Christmas.

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That Is Your Call

Father Brown’s Greeting After Mass

After offering his first High Mass, our newly ordained priest spoke in thanksgiving for his vocation and offered advice for those who feel called to the priesthood themselves.

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Gaudete Sunday 2020
This is indeed a Sunday to rejoice because it is the first High Mass of our newly ordained priest.  Father was ordained on the feast of Our Lady’s Presentation in a ceremony which showed the sacredness of this sacrament of Holy Orders.  Ordination imprints on the soul of the new priest a permanent mark called a character.  The character can never be removed and joins the ordinand to the Sacred Humanity of Jesus  in such a sublime way that the priest is another Christ.  Our Lord now acts directly through His priest to the degree that the words of consecration, This is My Body,  are spoken by Christ Himself through the instrumentality of the celebrant.  We have much to be thankful for today that another “alter Christus” will offer the most august sacrifice of the Holy Mass.

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Ave Maria

Feast Of The Immaculate Conception 2020
This feast day honors the infallible teaching of the Church that the Blessed Virgin Mary, from the first moment of her existence, was free from original sin and all sin by reason of the future merits of her Son’s Passion and Death.  Her redemption is unlike ours because hers was preservative, meaning evil never touched her, whereas ours is liberative, meaning we were freed from evil that held us.  This exclusive privilege of hers was so she would be a worthy mother of the Son of God and that, although not the same degree, she would be like her Son in holiness and finally that she would be duly prepared to be the Co-Redemptrix, congruently not condignly as her Son alone could be.  All these doctrines prove for us Wordsworth’s line that Our Lady is “our tainted nature’s solitary boast”.

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Warning Signs Of The End

First Friday Conference December 2020
Advent is the time of preparation for Christmas and the second coming of Christ.  The sacred liturgy has the ability because of God’s power to relive a past event like the Nativity, bring its graces to us in the present and prepare us for its fulfillment in the future with Our Lord’s return.  St. Matthew’s Gospel about the signs at the end of time is meant to warn us for the trials of those days.  St. Luke also gives these signs and encourages us to lift up our heads knowing that our redemption is near.  This conference then contains a listing and description of the signs of the times so we can be ready.

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Our Lord Wants To Forgive

23rd Sunday After Pentecost 2020
This week is the feast of the heroic pope, St. Martin, who defended the integrity of the Faith at the cost of much suffering and his own life.  The Gospel for today gives the moving story of the woman, believed to be Veronica, who was cured by simply touching with faith the hem of Our Lord’s cloak.  This month of November is dedicated to the Holy Souls in Purgatory and an opportune time to recall the teaching on indulgences and the sacrament of Penance.  By this alone we can see how much God wants to forgive us our sins and we should run to Him in this sacrament.  Practical instructions are given for confessions of necessity and devotion.

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Does God Not Have Rights Too?

Feast Of Christ the King 2020
Pontius Pilate acted cowardly in today’s Gospel and what happened to him as a result is a good lesson for all of us.  This feast was established by Pope Pius XI who saw the attacks against Our Lord as undermining the fabric of civilization also.  This feast cries out to brave souls to defend Christ’s Kingship and restore society to the excellent footing it once had.

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Joy And Fear

19th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
Feast of the Divine Maternity
Today is also the feast of the Divine Maternity which was clearly taught at the Council of Ephesus to correct the errors of Nestorius.  The Holy Virgin is the Mother of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity Who has a divine and a human nature.  St. Paul in the Epistle encourages us to put on a new life of grace and abandon lying, stealing, anger and all other vices incompatible with God’s life in the soul.  Our Lord tells the parable of the marriage feast in today’s Gospel.  This was spoken on Tuesday of Holy Week to those about to kill Him.  To the saved it was the promise of enjoying the heavenly banquet one day but to the unrepentant evildoers it was a warning of being cast out for eternity.

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