
Our Reminder To Love

Exaltation of the Holy Cross 2024
Emperor Constantine saw a vision of the Holy Cross in the sky which led to his victory.  Years later, St. Helena led an expedition to the Holy Land and miraculously found the true Cross of Our Lord.  Hundreds of years after that, Emperor Heraclius defeated the Persians and rescued the Cross which had been stolen.  This feast was prepared by Our Lord through the many miracles He has performed.  The Cross is the sign of victory over our enemies and gives us the knowledge of God’s love for us, which is, in the end, the only knowledge necessary.  When God’s love is revealed to us, we must respond by offering all our love in return.  The love we are given through the Cross raises us to such heights that we are able to love God with a share in His own sacrificial love.


No Lover But Christ

16th Sunday after Pentecost 2024 Carmelite Perpetual Profession – The perpetual vows are received by the prioress of the con...

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For Those Who Have Lost Their Way

1st Friday Conference September 2024 St. Tarcisius lived during the days of great persecution.  He was ordained an acolyte or dea...

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Can You Pass This Test?

15th Sunday after Pentecost 2024 This Mass teaches us about Everlasting Life, while the Divine Office offers us the example of Job...

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