
Our Intercessor

2nd Sunday After Epiphany 2022
The Wedding Feast at Cana is the Gospel for today and the third theophany that marks the feast of the Epiphany.  January 6th celebrates the coming of the Magi but it remembers the Baptism of Our Lord and His first miracle at Cana.  The Blessed Mother played a pivotal role in sensitively alerting her Son to the need of the bride and groom.  Her intercession prompted the providential anticipation of Christ’s hour to begin His mission with the miracle of changing water into wine.  This brought the disciples to believe in Him.  During these days of sickness that all are experiencing it is good to remember not to waste our sufferings but offer them up.


Be Resourceful for Holiness

8th Sunday after Pentecost 2024 We are living in a constant spiritual battle.  With the grace of Confirmation, we become true sol...

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The Gift of Wisdom

7th Sunday after Pentecost 2024 The readings for today’s Mass teach us about the seventh Gift of the Holy Ghost – wisdom.�...

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God’s Promises Accomplished

Conference on 1st Friday July 2024 In St. Paul’s instruction to the young bishop, St. Timothy, he emphasized the importance of s...

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