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1st Sunday of Lent 2012
This is the season in which saints are made.  All these days demand from us a great desire for holiness.  The devil temps us to sin so we may be his pawn in revenge against God.  In the Gospel we see Christ tempted in the inauguration of His public life, the theme of which was combat with the devil and his servants.  Temptations come to us so that we may be made strong in the virtues where we are the weakest.  We will be invincible in the face of temptation if we never fail to ask confidently for God’s help.

Stations of the Cross is among the most ancient devotions of the Church.  Through it we make a spiritual pilgrimage to share in the sufferings of our Redeemer.  This practice developed from the imitation of the Blessed Mother who visited the places where her Divine Son suffered.  We should ask to see the stations through the eyes of the Virgin Mary so we may reap the greatest profits from this devotion.