A Vocation Worth the Fight
2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2024
Tonsure Ceremony
With first tonsure one becomes a cleric. This ceremony has been part of the Church since the 5th century. Just as slaves were shorn to show their complete ownership by their master, so the cleric shows that he now belongs to Christ. The surplice is imposed to represent putting on the new man, because holiness is no longer an aspiration but a direct call. Our Lord promised to those who give up the world a hundredfold in this life. The candle carried in procession represents the soul of those to be tonsured, and when the bishop receives and extinguishes the candle, it demonstrates that the very will of the cleric is offered to God. God will grant the necessary graces to do everything he asks, if the cleric remains confident in Him as he forges on towards the goal.