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Feast of St. Joseph 2012
In the Hypostatic Union of Jesus Christ, He possessed no human personality, and because of this, His human nature is transcendent and universal.  In a sense all our human natures are found in His.  St. Joseph, who was chosen to be the father and protector of Our Lord’s Body on Earth, is a true father to the Mystical Body of Christ – our father.  When a boy comes into his manhood, he realizes an inherent responsibility to be a protector of those around him, especially the most needy.  A true man must possess both strength and compassion and St. Joseph is the perfect exemplar of these manly virtues.  We frequently remember the sorrows of the Blessed Mother, but we neglect to remember how much St. Joseph sacrificed and suffered in the care of the Holy Family.  The age when the whole Church will recognize the greatness and authority of this Patron of the Universal Church is yet to be seen.