Ye Angels and Archangels, ye Thrones and Domi­nations, ye Principalities and Powers, ye Virtues of the heavens, Cheruhim and Seraphim, bless ye the Lord forever.

300 days (S. P. Ap., Jail. 30, 1950).

Holy Archangel Michael, defend us in the battle, that we may’ not perish in the dreadful judgment.

300 days (S. P. Ap., Jan. 30, 1950).

Saint Michael, first champion of the Kingship of Christ, pray for us.

300 days (S. P. Ap., Jan. 30, 1950).

o holy Angel who didst strengthen Jesus Christ our Lord, come and strengthen us also; come and tarry not.

300 days (S. P. Ap., Jan. 30, 1950).

Angel of God, my guardian dear,

To whom His love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side

To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

300 days (S. P. Ap., Jan. 30, 1950).