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St. Peter Balsam

January 3, 2029

In the year 311, in Palestine, Peter Balsam was apprehended at Aulane, in the persecution of Maximinus. He was interrogated and sentenced by Severus, governor of the province. “Of what family and of what country are you?” said Severus. “I am a Christian,” said Peter.

“What is your employ?”

“What employ can I have more honorable, or what better thing can I do in the world, than to live a Christian?”

“Do you know the imperial edicts?”

“I know the laws of God, the sovereign of the universe.”

“You shall quickly know that there is an edict of the most clement emperors, commanding all to sacrifice to the gods, or be put to death.”

“You will also know one day that there is a law of the eternal king, proclaiming that every one shall perish, who offers sacrifice to devils: which do you counsel me to obey, and which, do you think, should be my option; to die by your sword, or to be condemned to everlasting misery, by the sentence of the great king, the true God?”

“Seeing you ask my advice, it is then that you obey the edict and sacrifice to the gods.”

“I can never be prevailed upon to sacrifice to gods of wood and stone, as those are which you adore.”

“I would have you know, that it is in my power to revenge these affronts by your death.”

“I had no intention to affront you. I only expressed what is written in the divine law.”

“Have compassion on yourself, and sacrifice.”

“If I am truly compassionate to myself, I ought not to sacrifice.”

“My desire is to use lenity; I therefore still do allow you time to consider with yourself that you may save your life!”

“This delay will be to no purpose, for I shall not alter my mind; do now what you will be obliged to do soon, and complete the work, which the devil, your father, has begun; for I will never do what Jesus Christ forbids me.”

After much torture, Peter would not relent. Severus then said, “I am just ready to pronounce sentence.” Peter replied, “It is what I most earnestly desire.” Severus said, “It is our order, that Peter Balsam, for having refused to obey the edict of the invincible emperors, and having condemned our commands, after obstinately defending the law of a man crucified, be himself nailed to a cross.


January 3, 2029
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