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St. Julia

May 23, 2029

Julia was a noble virgin at Carthage who when that city was taken by Genseric in 439 was sold for a slave to a pagan merchant of Syria. Under the most mortifying employments for her station, by cheerfulness and patience she found, besides her sanctification, a present happiness and comfort which the world could not have afforded. All the time she was not employed in her master’s business was devoted to prayer and reading books of piety. She fasted very rigorously every day but Sunday. The merchant brought her with him in one of his voyages to Gaul where he imported the most valuable commodities of the Levant. Felix, the governor of the island offered to procure her liberty if she would sacrifice to his gods. When she refused, in a transport of rage, Felix caused her to be struck on the face and the hair of her head to be torn off; and lastly ordered her to be hanged on a cross till she expired. Her relics were removed to Brescia where her memory is celebrated with great devotion.


May 23, 2029
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