Talk #1
1) “The Purpose of Man’s Existence” . . . . 2) “God and His Perfections”

Talk #2
3) “The Unity and Trinity of God” . . . . 4) “Creation and the Angels”
. . . . 5) “The Creation and the Fall of Man”

Talk #3
6) “Actual Sin” . . . . 7) “The Incarnation” . . . . 8) “The Redemption”

Talk #4
Prayer And Its Expressions

Talk #5
9) “The Holy Ghost and Grace” . . . .
10) “The Virtues and the Gifts of the Holy Ghost”

Talk #6
11) “The Catholic Church” . . . .
12) “The Marks and Attributes of the Church”

Talk #7
13) “The Communion of Saints and Forgiveness of Sins” . . . .
14) “The Resurrection and Life Everlasting”

Talk #8
15) “The Two Great Commandments” . . . .
16) “The First Commandment of God”

Talk #9
17) "Honoring the Saints, Relics, and Images" . . . .
18) "The Second and Third Commandments of God"

Talk #10
19) "The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Commandments of God" . . . .
20) "The Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Commandments of God"

Talk #11
21) "The First & Second Commandments of the Church" . . . .
22) "The Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Commandments of the Church"

Talk #12
23) "The Sacraments" . . . . 24) "Baptism"

Talk #13
25) "Confirmation" . . . . 26) "The Holy Eucharist"

Talk #14
27) "The Sacrifice of the Mass" . . . . 28) "Holy Communion"

Talk #15
29) "Penance" . . . . 30) "Contrition"

Talk #16
31) "Confession" . . . . 32) "How To Make a Good Confession"

Talk #17
33) "Temporal Punishment and Indulgences" . . . . 34) "Extreme Unction and Holy Orders"

Talk #18
35) "Matrimony" . . . . 36) "The Sacramentals"

Talk #19
37) "Prayer" . . . . 38) "The Our Father"

Talk #20
39) "Why I Am A Catholic" . . . . 40) "A Catechism Of The Mass"
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Talk #1
1) “The Purpose of Man’s Existence” . . . . 2) “God and His Perfections”