
Browse through the pages of the Baltimore Catechism #3 below.

This comprehensive Baltimore Catechism contains the constant, authentic doctrine and moral teaching of the Catholic Faith. It is not only excellent for adults and children, but is also perfect for religious programs and anyone desiring information about the Church.

More than 500 clear and concise questions and answers are included. Fr. Connell’s catechism s superior to any other catechism, including any other Baltimore catechism, because developed explanations and Sacred Scripture are used extensively to amplify the answers and each chapter concludes with study helps, exercises, and a summary essay for teachers and students.

These images are from a reprint by The Seraphim Company of Fr. Connell’s 1949 Baltimore Catechism No. 3, originally published by Benziger Brothers. This reprint is identical to the original except for the addition of an excellent section of essential Catholic prayers at the beginning, and the twenty-two beautiful engravings with explanations.

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