Servants of the Holy Family
A Catholic religious community in Colorado Springs

Servants of the Holy Family, a Catholic religious community, was founded on the Feast of the Holy Family in 1977 and is placed under the patronage of the Sacred Persons of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. It is the first Traditional Latin Mass religious community for men founded in the United States after attempts began in 1970 to replace the ancient Mass. The community has been located in Colorado since February, 1977. Since that time it has accepted priests, seminarians and brothers as members. The mother house with its chapel is situated on ten acres of beautifully wooded park land south of the Black Forest near the city of Colorado Springs.
The first goal is to aspire after and achieve by the grace of God the sanctification of its members and the salvation of souls through their prayers, sacrifices and apostolate. The religious life is semi-contemplative in nature and described by St. Thomas Aquinas as the ideal because it combines “the contemplative life which seeks to devote itself to God alone and belongs directly to the love of God, while the active life, which ministers to our neighbor’s needs, belongs directly to the love of one’s neighbor”. This is chiefly accomplished by attachment to the Holy Sacrifice of the Traditional Latin Mass and to the Roman Breviary. Other important devotions observed by all the members are Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, the frequent reception of the sacrament of Penance, keeping days of recollection on a regular basis, and praying the Holy Rosary with one of the approved litanies daily. Also, frequent visits to the Blessed Sacrament as well as mental prayer are considered most important for all of the members, who regard holiness of life as their primary objective.

Resulting from faithful religious observance is a zeal for the salvation of souls. The Holy Mass, the Sacred Liturgy and the dispensing of the Sacraments are the foremost means of sanctification of the faithful. Traditional Catholic sermons, morality and the spiritual life is supplemented by the teaching of the Baltimore catechism. Retreats and days of recollection are part of the apostolate of preaching. Other spiritual and corporal works are also part of community life, especially towards the poor, the sick, the dying and the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
“The Catholic priesthood is truly one of the purest glories of the Church and one of the most striking marks of her holiness.”