Ticket To Heaven

Ascension Thursday 2021 The dogma of the Faith that teaches that Our Lord ascended into heaven today was revealed to the apostles by the two angels as described in St. Luke’s Acts of the Apostles.  On their return to Jerusalem they remained there as instructed to await the coming of the Holy Ghost.  They gathered…

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Faith Without Works Is Dead

Fifth Sunday After Easter 2021 This Thursday is the Ascension and then we begin the novena to the Holy Ghost.  We also have several important saints this week.  St. James has been a prominent apostle during Paschal time through his epistle and today he teaches that our love of God and neighbor is shown by…

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Keep The First Fervor

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost 2020 After hearing about Saints John Gualbert, Veronica, Bonaventure, Henry, the Carmelite Sisters of Compiegne and Camillus we had a renewal of the Paschal sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist in the Epistle and Gospel.  The Divine Office recounts the story of King David and how his sloth led to sins…

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Pray All Be Saved

Trinity Sunday 2020 The angelic St. Thomas Aquinas has his feast day this week and we are reminded of his being a patron for the finding of lost items.  God is wonderful in His saints.  This feast of the Holy Trinity starts a new season of the liturgical year.  It is right that this be…

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New Law Of Love

Pentecost Sunday 2020 This feast is on par with Easter and is deserving of the greatest eloquence in speaking about it.  The descent of the Holy Ghost on this day was prepared for 1500 years earlier when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the decalogue, fifty days after the Passover when the chosen people…

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Keep Them From Evil

Sunday After The Ascension 2020 Today is also Memorial day and not a time to discuss just war theory but to honor and to pray for the soldiers who died for us.  This month of May is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and we should be doing something everyday in Her honor.  Thanksgiving to…

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Heaven Is Our Real Home

Ascension Thursday 2020 Today Our Lord gloriously entered heaven and made it a home for all humanity through His Sacred Human Nature seated at the right hand of God the Father.  To emphasize this, all the saved who had been detained in the Limbo of the Patriarchs from Adam to St. John the Baptist entered…

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Season of the Holy Ghost

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2019 The time after Pentecost is designed by God to sanctify us by putting the teachings of the first half of the year into practice.  This season begins by celebrating feast days which mark the key helps along our path to holiness, namely, the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Eucharist and the…

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Wind and Fire

Pentecost Sunday 2019 The Holy Ghost descended on the Apostles to complete their preparation for the mission entrusted to them to go forth and convert the world.  Even after the Resurrection they had faults which needed to be eliminated so the Paraclete could infuse them with the holiness and gifts necessary for their apostolate.  St.…

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Sunday After The Ascension 2019 These are sacred days between the Ascension and Pentecost. We should duplicate the ascetical life of the Apostles who were being led at this time by the Master Spiritual Director, Our Lord, through the purgative, illuminative and unitive states. Once confirmed in grace by the Holy Ghost they were ready…

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