Virtue of Virtues

3rd Sunday after Easter After explaining why St. George became a popular saint and reading the Epistle and Gospel, Father briefly explains the “little while” of today’s Gospel and then gives a close reading of the Epistle in which St. Peter instructs us on the moral life.   The key is the practice of obedience…

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I, Myself, Will Tend My Sheep

2nd Sunday After Easter – Good Shepherd Sunday Today’s sermon delves into why there is One we call the Good Shepherd who is willing to die for His sheep and also why there are hirelings who abandon the flock in need.  The Introit of today’s Mass clearly invokes Mercy under the Banner of the Good…

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Pax Vobis

Low Sunday 2016 “Peace be with you” were the words Our Lord used to address the Apostles on Easter night so they would know that He harbored no ill will towards them for their failure to be with Him at Calvary.  These are the same sentiments for all of us sinners to remember so we…

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Gratitude Is Our Goal

Good Shepherd Sunday 2015 This is the day we are called to a more perfect life.  Our Lord shows Himself to be the Good Shepherd Who truly loves His sheep.  Not only does He care for and nourish His flock, but He protects us from attacks, even to the point of giving His life for…

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The Sun of Justice Rises

Low Sunday 2015 We call this day Sunday because the early English-speaking Christians kept the pagan name of the day to honor the “Sun of Justice” Who has risen.  This is common practice of Catholicism, to Christianize every culture.  Easter Sunday is the day of the Light of the Sun of Justice.  We are more…

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The Only Acceptable Worship

Easter Vigil 2015 We are privileged to be a part of the unbroken history of this liturgy. Catholic worship is more than merely a compilation of rituals. It is a true reliving of the past. Because of our fallen nature, and the sins we commit, we are not placed in friendship with God but in…

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Sacrifice Is Christian

Sermon From The 5th Sunday after Easter 2014 ✟Father Violette Just as the Church converted the pagan temple of the Pantheon into a Catholic church, she frequently takes what is pagan or secular and “baptizes” it into something Christian.  We could see something similar in the secular holiday of Memorial Day because a soldier’s sacrifice…

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His Promise To Us

Sermon On The 4th Sunday after Easter 2014 First Communion Sunday – God loves us and desires to come to us in Holy Communion.  The day of our First Holy Communion is remembered by all – even those who have left the Faith.  We prepare ourselves for that most important day and believe every article…

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We Are Not Yet Home

Sermon From The 3rd Sunday after Easter 2014 ✟Father Violette We know that God is every quality that is good and the Blessed Mother is the creature closest to imitating this infinite perfection.  She is the model that mothers should imitate.  Heaven, where we are immune from all suffering, is meant to be our home…

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Everlasting Pleasure

Sermon From The 2nd Sunday after Easter 2014 St. Peter reminds us in the Epistle for today that our obligation is to become saints.  Our Lord compares our relationship with Him to the relationship between Him and His Father.  The world mistakenly teaches that life is all about pleasure and worldly goals.  We either think…

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