Christmas Brings Freedom

Christmas Midnight Mass 2020
Despite all the efforts to lessen the reality and the message of Christmas by those opposed to God, we again celebrate the feast of Our Lord’s Nativity.  The Light has come into this world of darkness and brings truth, life and freedom from sin and its evil effects.  The Son of God, while retaining His divine nature, assumed a human nature and was born in Bethlehem from His ever virgin Mother.  His coming is just the beginning and instills the world with hope for a better future which will lead eventually to heavenly glory.  We must love this Holy Infant in return and pray and help those less fortunate than us to receive the graces offered at Christmas.

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Ave Maria

Feast Of The Immaculate Conception 2020
This feast day honors the infallible teaching of the Church that the Blessed Virgin Mary, from the first moment of her existence, was free from original sin and all sin by reason of the future merits of her Son’s Passion and Death.  Her redemption is unlike ours because hers was preservative, meaning evil never touched her, whereas ours is liberative, meaning we were freed from evil that held us.  This exclusive privilege of hers was so she would be a worthy mother of the Son of God and that, although not the same degree, she would be like her Son in holiness and finally that she would be duly prepared to be the Co-Redemptrix, congruently not condignly as her Son alone could be.  All these doctrines prove for us Wordsworth’s line that Our Lady is “our tainted nature’s solitary boast”.

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Warning Signs Of The End

First Friday Conference December 2020
Advent is the time of preparation for Christmas and the second coming of Christ.  The sacred liturgy has the ability because of God’s power to relive a past event like the Nativity, bring its graces to us in the present and prepare us for its fulfillment in the future with Our Lord’s return.  St. Matthew’s Gospel about the signs at the end of time is meant to warn us for the trials of those days.  St. Luke also gives these signs and encourages us to lift up our heads knowing that our redemption is near.  This conference then contains a listing and description of the signs of the times so we can be ready.

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Does God Not Have Rights Too?

Feast Of Christ the King 2020
Pontius Pilate acted cowardly in today’s Gospel and what happened to him as a result is a good lesson for all of us.  This feast was established by Pope Pius XI who saw the attacks against Our Lord as undermining the fabric of civilization also.  This feast cries out to brave souls to defend Christ’s Kingship and restore society to the excellent footing it once had.

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Carry The Cross Bravely

Exaltation of the Holy Cross 2020
We rejoice to be able to honor this feast day with a High Mass.  The chant was full of enthusiasm and devotion which is reminder of St. Augustine’s adage that “he who sings prays twice”.  This is an ancient feast commemorating the dedication in Jerusalem of the basilica on September 14, 335.  Also, it marked the day that St. Helena had found the true Cross. The cross was the worst form of capital punishment in the Roman world but on this day, after being sanctified by the Blood of Christ, it is worthy of exaltation as Our Lord promised in the Gospel.  Constantine began this process when he used the cross as the symbol of victory at the Milvian bridge.  Emperor Heraclius exalted the true Cross after recovering it from the infidels.  We, too, will be exalted with Christ if we carry our daily crosses well.

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The Triumph Of His Blood

Feast Of The Precious Blood 2020
This feast marks a victory and stands in thanksgiving for it.  Pope Pius IX was exiled from Rome in 1848 by an army of the enemies of the Church.  He promised to honor the Precious Blood of Christ after God would restore him to Rome and that happened on the last days of June in 1849.  So, the pope fulfilled his promise and instituted the feast.  We realize the infinite value of the Blood of God which had been prophesied throughout the Old Testament.  The Holy Ghost taught that without the shedding of Blood there would not be redemption.  Our Lord completed His mission by dying on the Cross and shedding every drop of His Blood.  This Blood continues to save at by every Mass.  We must love and thank God always to live with Him in Heaven eventually.

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Pray All Be Saved

Trinity Sunday 2020
The angelic St. Thomas Aquinas has his feast day this week and we are reminded of his being a patron for the finding of lost items.  God is wonderful in His saints.  This feast of the Holy Trinity starts a new season of the liturgical year.  It is right that this be the case because everything comes from the Father, Son and Holy Ghost and all honor, praise and glory return to the Triune God.  This fundamental mystery of Three Divine Persons in One and the Same God is essential for salvation because denial of this prevents one from entering heaven.  God has revealed to us His inner workings where the Unbegotten brings forth the Only Begotten and Their mutual Love is the Person of Love, the Holy Ghost.  This Trinitarian life goes on within the souls of those in the state of grace and is offered to all.  Christ’s final command to the apostles was to go forth and baptize in the name of the Blessed Trinity.  We must pray that all will be saved.

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Heaven Is Our Real Home

Ascension Thursday 2020
Today Our Lord gloriously entered heaven and made it a home for all humanity through His Sacred Human Nature seated at the right hand of God the Father.  To emphasize this, all the saved who had been detained in the Limbo of the Patriarchs from Adam to St. John the Baptist entered heaven in triumph with Christ.  With His departure the apostles began their novena in preparation for the coming of the Holy Ghost and entered into their own spiritual purification by detaching themselves from all that hindered their progress in the spiritual life.  We must join them during these days of prayer & penance before Pentecost.  Our attention should always be focused on our goal which is our heavenly home.  With society collapsing around us we have heaven as our one remaining hope.

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She Is In Bitter Grief

Good Friday 2020
The Church mourns the death of God in an even more dramatic way this year.  The Solemn Liturgical Action expresses this loss through the Passion of St. John and the two prophecies.  Then we join with Christ on the Cross for His universal prayers for all.  We venerate our means of salvation by reverencing the Holy Cross and finally we join with our Savior in Holy Communion.  All of this inspires us to return the Divine Love of the Sacred Heart which shed every drop of the Precious Blood for us and to convert from sin which exacted such cruelty upon our innocent Lord.

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Jesus, Come To Me, Embrace Me

Palm Sunday 2020
While unable to attend Mass, we must be more devout at home, especially by practicing spiritual communion.  The Indwelling of the Blessed Trinity and the action of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost in our souls will inspire us.  That type of inspiration is what moved the people in Jerusalem to proclaim Our Lord King today; although they cried for His death less than a week later. The palm is a sign of victory and why it was used to welcome Christ into the Holy City.  It is a pledge of our victory today.

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